vendredi 29 mars 2013

✎ Asos Tfnc Sequin Bandeau Dress

From TFNC with Love.

i bought a new baby last Tuesday, a glitterama baby from ASOS.COM ; TFNC sequin bandeau dress. ;D

 i have to say this is the heaviest dress i ever bought due to those sequins but heck, i love it. i love the bandeau cutting, the ruched front, the gold sequins which ain't too goldish if you know what i mean. Below is the photo of the party glam glam dress for the petite lady.

standing at 5ft1, UK6. I wish i'm taller tho tsk tsk.

See the flare prom skirt? It kinda looks a bit huge isn't it? I purchased UK6 ( XS ) but prolly if i bought UK4 ( XXS ) the puffiness would look a little smaller, nevertheless, i am satisfied with it because i'd been eyeing on this dress for God knows sincewhen. so, I can finally crossed this out from the dress wishlist and move on to the next one whee. ;)

i don't think i'm gonna wear this often or maybe not gonna wear it at all because i'm scared i might gonna ruining it, can you imagine if i ACCIDENTALLY STAIN this delicate dress?? THE HORROR!! *gasps* so yea, ain't gonna take a risk to wear it out but then again, i might change my mind. haha. 

Not familiar with TFNC? Here's the site to find out more; TFNC LONDON. If you want a party glam dress to stand out from the crowd and you want a sweet girly yet feminine look, TFNC is the best online shop to drop by because they have a massive gorgeous collections from sexy minx to demure barbie. Go check them out. :)

Glittery Gold <3 Me 

samedi 23 mars 2013

✎ Liese Hair Colour in Jewel Pink

I love dying my own hair, i dye my own mane and i never ask for other people's help. Prolly because i don't like people touching my hair, but when it comes to trimming or cutting my mane, that one what to do lar~ well, since my black roots is starting to appear and the previous blonde colour is slowly fading hence i bought a new hair dye of course from Liese * i love Liese! * but, in a different colour. I usually opted Blonde shades just because i think blonde is my hair comfy zone space * been an avid fan of blonde hair since 18 years old * and i love striking colour but this time, i decided to go out from my comfort zone and dyed my hair brown colour yet with a pink/red tint. 

Liese in Jewel Pink; I LOVE PINK!

the DIY kits and instruction pamphlet.

MISSION.START!! ( please excuse my barenaked face, i know i look scary T_T )

* 15 minutes later *

Look at my strawberry pink creamy foamy bubbly hair, this is what i love about Liese, since it's foamy and not like the typical hair dye type; gel or liquid, you will never have to worry about uneven colour because once you massage the foam all over your hair, i guarantee they cover every strand of your hair. i've been using Liese since 2011 until now and i never have a problem of uneven color, in our Sarawakian word; TAKAK. 

now the waiting process, usually i leave it up for the colour to seep in around 30 minutes maximum and once, there's this beautician cum a salon stylist ever told me that never leave your dye up to 45 minutes but i forgot the reason why, hahah! but yea, that's what she told me. 

The Result! Chocolate Brown with a hint of red cum pink. this one; INDOOR SHOT. i took in my room so this is what it looks under the normal light, not under the sunlight. Sorry there's no outdoor photo because the weather is SO friggin WARM  and i ain't gonna burn myself just to get a shot of my new superluscious hair. :D 

who's a happy girl now? mmhmm it's ME bitches! :D

I'm feeling all bright and sunny, just like the weather! 

Hair Mission; COMPLETE! ;)

vendredi 22 mars 2013

✎ Just Leave Me Your Stardusts to Remember You By

if you be my star, i'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me 
and come out at night
when i turn jet black
an d you show off your light
i live to let you shine
i live to let you shine

mardi 19 mars 2013

✎ Supre Fitted Peplum Dress

Finally i received my dress from Supre AU last night, thanks to Spreefreaks for making it's possible for me to buy overseas garments in an absolute affordable prices. when it comes to Supre, i usually order from them and if ASOS, mostly from Lush Doodles. i can assure you that their price is a little cheaper compare to other blogshops when it comes to brand ASOS and Supre. 

here's the dress, that i supposed to wear for Lala's engagement but, they can't post my dress on time because they're still in Melbourne hence i wore Baju Kurung instead. :D

I adore the colour, it's Watermelon, super sweet yet it doesn't look dull either. i can wear it for weddings, parties, and formal or casual outings because of the colour, the material is thick cotton but really soft and 9% polyester to make it tight a little bit. do i feel comfy wearing it? of course it's a YES! i purchased an S  just because if i decided to eat way too much at a party functions, my bloated tummy wont show itself up proudly. I'm actually an XS but this fits me well, all in the right places so, WHEE!

Happy girl is happy! :D


random vain shots! camwhoring is definitely my favourite past time. *wink*

and i have to post a conversation between my boyfriend and I.

Chen : SS Headbands right?
Me : yessa.
Chen : Okay, SuperSave lah o?
Me : what the heck?! HAHAHA!
Chen : aok lah, SS bahh. HAHAHAH! kidding baby! 

SS headband is actually Sereni and Shentel headbands but my boyfriend being so hilarious he jokingly wanna buy me headbands from SuperSave store, WHAT THE??!! HAHAHAHAH. 

oh my man and his humor. i just love him~ 


samedi 16 mars 2013

✎ Lady 24

Hello bitches! i am officially 24 years old now, say whuddd?? hahaha. so this bitch is no longer a girl, but not quite a woman yet. well, a lady sounds suitable isn't it? as i got older, my brain and my soul is becoming old as well. less nightouts, ( though i still going out at nights and drink occasionally ) i prefer chilling in my room watching movies or tv shows on weekends rather than outing with friends. Well, prolly because this remote place has turn me into an old soul or i just had enough fun during my youthful years; been there, done that, you know what i mean? so yea, less dramas of course. i'm no longer a teenager and i don't intend to be one because i believe in this saying " ACT YOUR AGE " hence each time i heard people shitmouthed me, all i  do is sit back and look with a smile on my face because.. GIRLLL, I AIN'T GOT TIME FOR YOUR DRAMA OKAYYY~ i prefer keeping my mouth shut because i don't want my breath smells of a dirty gutter just because someone is creating a drama purely out of idk, jealousy? hatred? life is too short for pointless dramas honey. :) so i can say, each time i hung out with my friends, we mostly talk about jobs, money, studies, food places ( YES FOOD ) because just like i said, gossiping, shitmouthed are purely for teens in high schools. well, i'm just saying.

Susan ( my sister ) , Phillis ( me ) and Analea ( cousin ) | my crib | March 16th 1995

well, since Chen is not here ( sucks much ) so have to postpone the celebration until he comes home for Gawai *fingerscrossed* gotta celeb kaw-kaw because, it's my birthday and his birthday is on May as well! double celebration double the fun aite? 

Happy Birthday to me! B)

ad; i bumped into this old photo of mine while i was clearing up my photo folders in my lappie and i looked pretty kiddy for an accountant, no?

December 2012 | Damai Puri Resort and Spa

jeudi 14 mars 2013

✎ Cheers to us Baby, 1st Anniversary ♥

March 14th 2012; " do you want to be my girlfriend? :) "

March 14th 2013; we are officially one year baby! :*

Time passes by so quickly eh, now that i'm in a relationship with him for one year, it means a lot to the both of us. from strangers to friends in high school, best friends to super cool lovers, oh dear~ i'm so happy, blissfully happy. i admit, during the early stage of our relationship, it was hard, close friends of mine didn't like the idea of me in a relationship with him ( i understand them as well, they're trying to protect me and i appreciate it ) but i listened to my instinct, i chose to be with him and now look at us, still going strong and most importantly, we both are happy with each other. :) 

March 3rd | Chen's crib | 

of course we have our ups and downs just like any other ordinary couple out there, i mean there's no such thing as rainbows and unicorns 24/7 365 days a year in a relationship kayy. throughout our downs, he's always there for me, never ever ever ever give up on me, on us. this is what i love about him. he never fails to cheer me up although it can take hours and days but he manages to make me smile with his never ending affection for me. yes, he is good at talking i admit that and he proves it as well by actions. action speaks louder than words? he got both bitches. i am a lucky lady, especially... oh well, let's keep that tiny secret in my private closet. :D

March 3rd | Chen's crib

Dear Cheney, Chen, Cecen, Bunnyboy, SmartBunny, i love you. thank you so much for the joys, the memories, the happiness, the tears ( haha ) the laughters, the smiles, the headaches, the fights and basically just everything that you ever done for me. i'm glad that we met and out from the friendzone circle because, being with you, creating memories with you is what i like do best, i mean, i'm happy being with you, going out with you although for a short 3 hours of meeting up, it's enough to make my day. it's enough to make me feel i'm the only girl in the world. i'm sorry i can't be the perfect girlfriend for you, i can't be the best but trust me, i'm gonna spoil you with loyalty because i will never going to screw this up. shit man, i love you so much eh, do you know that?? hahaha. 

I am blessed to have you baby, i don't say this often but i really do feel blessed. Thank you to the above for giving me you, for giving me a man that i can depend on sunny and rainy days, to give me supports and endless of positive words to keep me strong whenever i'm facing tough situations, and thank you for pushing me and making me a better person baby, less drama and shits, just focus on the good happy things in life. like you! :*

and now i can't wait for you to come home so we can go drinking again and get raunchy. haha can ka like that baby? miaw~ 

Cheers for our first anniversary baby! *clanks* and counting! let's make more memories ( both stupid and sweet memories ) so we can smile and laugh about when we reach up our older days. :*

Ich Liebe Dich, Dick Cheney~ :)

mercredi 13 mars 2013

✎ Song Joong Ki mi amor!~

stalking Song Joong Ki is definitely my favourite past time when i don't have anymore work to do, i always checked out on Tumblr and My Joong Ki for his superlicious photos and newest updates muahaha. yes, i am cuckoo crazy over this Korean dude, sigh* Joong Ki ya, y u so far away from me tsk tsk.




one of my favs! he looked so casual yet undeniably handsome and sho cute can i just eat him up already ermagerdddd!~

can i have him for my birthday??? can i??


oh mi amor, we will see each other on one fine day, we will. don't lose hope mi amor, i will find you. 

crazy much? *bang!*

vendredi 8 mars 2013

✎ Fun Times With The Loved Ones

Last Sunday, Chen and i had a dinner date at this restaurant; Gourmet Sausage. It's his favourite restaurant  because they serves long, very stuffy juicy pork sausages. i told you, pork is like his second lover.  :D i had some restaurants in mind that i wanted to dine in on that evening but i let him decide since i was completely exhausted to ehem "debate"  due to Lala's engagement earlier on the afternoon. MASSIVE HEADACHE kay, i blame the warm weather. why Malaysia pun weather so hot oh sigh~ anyways, back to the main topic, i loved the ambience, our seating was a little bit too dark and it gave a vibe of romanticism. i wanna snap photos together but just like i said, it's too dark hence i can't took photos, shaky and shit. quite a turn off actually for a person who loves to take photos like me. :| 

Chen all smiled up waiting for his Gourmet Sausage dinner while me, battling with my massive headache and back ache. you see my eye bags? my eye freaking bags? "pretty" kan? don't you know, it's the IT BAG now wtf. haha.

Food Porn!

Gourmet Sausage; Chen's second lover and i swear they have the best mashed potato in town. even just the sheer thought of it make me salivating wtf. 

and this is what i ordered, Wonderland Pizza with Chocolate shake. Heaven. not stingy at all with the toppings and the shake wasn't overly sweet too. just nice.

Leftovers, so full i can't even talked properly and i only had two slice that evening mind you wtf.. a small tummy is small.

What a nice quiet dinner we had that evening which i uber love, thanks to Cecen for bringing me there and i would definitely going back there again for a second trip. :D the mashed potato is just superb~ the gravy and the mushroom strips mixed inside the potato, mmmhmmm nice~ 

as soon as we finished dinner, we went to Hijau to meet up with our friends Mariilyn and Louis. ordered a bucket of Heineken but the atmosphere was just too bores for us and off we went to Bratak Mayau for drinking session, and that's where the fun starts. ahaha. :D

tipsy and started mumbling/laughing like there's no tomorrow. :D

Blurry trio Louis, Marilyn and Cecen. :D

what i remembered of that night, i kept on putting my leg on Chen's thigh because it was so comfy, just like a sofa and i kept on laughing for no reason and Chen kept on grabbing le ass. ahahaha. Naughty Chen, we both tipsy and at the end of the night, i puked. yes, officially wasted, Chen had to hold me when i went to 7E to buy girl's stuff so i wont crashed or fell on the floor. oh man.. ... ....

but i really had fun that night, the whole day. from Lala's engagement to drinking session with Marilyn. with Chen by my side and with my beloved friends as well. it was fun. furthermore i haven't seen them for a while so we had a lot of things to catch up. about Lala's engagement, am gonna post about it sooooon. :)

till then, xoxo~

mercredi 6 mars 2013

✎ For you. :)

Dear Cecen, please do take good care of yourself there, make sure you eat up and i forbid you to starve yourself just because you want to save up your money for something less important than your health. don't you dare skip lunch or dinner or else... :P don't get yourself into accidents again just like last year which gave me a panic heart attack until i couldn't sleep thinking of how was your condition over there. Please~ be careful baby.. Don't be a naughty monkey, focus on your studies, spend more time with your books, date them up for a while so you will do better in your exams. Please remember me here because i know i will always remember you, your girl friend will be here waiting for you to come home, waiting for you to enjoy every seconds and days of her life together with you, and i know for a fact that i will be missing you like crazy. even now i'm starting to miss you already..  :(

i love you Dick Cheney @ Mr. SmartBunny.

i can't wait to see you again, 4 more months baby dear~ :')

vendredi 1 mars 2013

✎ Bonjour Mars~

13 more days to 365 days and 15 more days to Forever XII birthday!~ *wink* 

 && i hope everyone will have a fantabulous March this year. :)