vendredi 8 mars 2013

✎ Fun Times With The Loved Ones

Last Sunday, Chen and i had a dinner date at this restaurant; Gourmet Sausage. It's his favourite restaurant  because they serves long, very stuffy juicy pork sausages. i told you, pork is like his second lover.  :D i had some restaurants in mind that i wanted to dine in on that evening but i let him decide since i was completely exhausted to ehem "debate"  due to Lala's engagement earlier on the afternoon. MASSIVE HEADACHE kay, i blame the warm weather. why Malaysia pun weather so hot oh sigh~ anyways, back to the main topic, i loved the ambience, our seating was a little bit too dark and it gave a vibe of romanticism. i wanna snap photos together but just like i said, it's too dark hence i can't took photos, shaky and shit. quite a turn off actually for a person who loves to take photos like me. :| 

Chen all smiled up waiting for his Gourmet Sausage dinner while me, battling with my massive headache and back ache. you see my eye bags? my eye freaking bags? "pretty" kan? don't you know, it's the IT BAG now wtf. haha.

Food Porn!

Gourmet Sausage; Chen's second lover and i swear they have the best mashed potato in town. even just the sheer thought of it make me salivating wtf. 

and this is what i ordered, Wonderland Pizza with Chocolate shake. Heaven. not stingy at all with the toppings and the shake wasn't overly sweet too. just nice.

Leftovers, so full i can't even talked properly and i only had two slice that evening mind you wtf.. a small tummy is small.

What a nice quiet dinner we had that evening which i uber love, thanks to Cecen for bringing me there and i would definitely going back there again for a second trip. :D the mashed potato is just superb~ the gravy and the mushroom strips mixed inside the potato, mmmhmmm nice~ 

as soon as we finished dinner, we went to Hijau to meet up with our friends Mariilyn and Louis. ordered a bucket of Heineken but the atmosphere was just too bores for us and off we went to Bratak Mayau for drinking session, and that's where the fun starts. ahaha. :D

tipsy and started mumbling/laughing like there's no tomorrow. :D

Blurry trio Louis, Marilyn and Cecen. :D

what i remembered of that night, i kept on putting my leg on Chen's thigh because it was so comfy, just like a sofa and i kept on laughing for no reason and Chen kept on grabbing le ass. ahahaha. Naughty Chen, we both tipsy and at the end of the night, i puked. yes, officially wasted, Chen had to hold me when i went to 7E to buy girl's stuff so i wont crashed or fell on the floor. oh man.. ... ....

but i really had fun that night, the whole day. from Lala's engagement to drinking session with Marilyn. with Chen by my side and with my beloved friends as well. it was fun. furthermore i haven't seen them for a while so we had a lot of things to catch up. about Lala's engagement, am gonna post about it sooooon. :)

till then, xoxo~