mercredi 30 janvier 2013

✎ Sunny and Daisies

met Cecen for the first time in 2013 last Friday and Saturday. i had fun wee! :)

oh my baby is getting skinnier and darker. oh Penang what did you do to my boyfriend??! sigh* fatten up baby, eat porkies everyday! :D i wish you could come over here every evening so we can always hang out at the open air and eat that bbq pork which you're soooo in love with. :D

&& thank you for le pressie baby! *muahx!* now you know my style and what looks good on me and what's not. that is indeed a very good boyfriend eh. *wink*

can't wait to meet you up soon and create more memories whilst you're in Kuching Cecen. love you always~ hugs and kisses for my dear one~ :)