samedi 23 mars 2013

✎ Liese Hair Colour in Jewel Pink

I love dying my own hair, i dye my own mane and i never ask for other people's help. Prolly because i don't like people touching my hair, but when it comes to trimming or cutting my mane, that one what to do lar~ well, since my black roots is starting to appear and the previous blonde colour is slowly fading hence i bought a new hair dye of course from Liese * i love Liese! * but, in a different colour. I usually opted Blonde shades just because i think blonde is my hair comfy zone space * been an avid fan of blonde hair since 18 years old * and i love striking colour but this time, i decided to go out from my comfort zone and dyed my hair brown colour yet with a pink/red tint. 

Liese in Jewel Pink; I LOVE PINK!

the DIY kits and instruction pamphlet.

MISSION.START!! ( please excuse my barenaked face, i know i look scary T_T )

* 15 minutes later *

Look at my strawberry pink creamy foamy bubbly hair, this is what i love about Liese, since it's foamy and not like the typical hair dye type; gel or liquid, you will never have to worry about uneven colour because once you massage the foam all over your hair, i guarantee they cover every strand of your hair. i've been using Liese since 2011 until now and i never have a problem of uneven color, in our Sarawakian word; TAKAK. 

now the waiting process, usually i leave it up for the colour to seep in around 30 minutes maximum and once, there's this beautician cum a salon stylist ever told me that never leave your dye up to 45 minutes but i forgot the reason why, hahah! but yea, that's what she told me. 

The Result! Chocolate Brown with a hint of red cum pink. this one; INDOOR SHOT. i took in my room so this is what it looks under the normal light, not under the sunlight. Sorry there's no outdoor photo because the weather is SO friggin WARM  and i ain't gonna burn myself just to get a shot of my new superluscious hair. :D 

who's a happy girl now? mmhmm it's ME bitches! :D

I'm feeling all bright and sunny, just like the weather! 

Hair Mission; COMPLETE! ;)