jeudi 14 mars 2013

✎ Cheers to us Baby, 1st Anniversary ♥

March 14th 2012; " do you want to be my girlfriend? :) "

March 14th 2013; we are officially one year baby! :*

Time passes by so quickly eh, now that i'm in a relationship with him for one year, it means a lot to the both of us. from strangers to friends in high school, best friends to super cool lovers, oh dear~ i'm so happy, blissfully happy. i admit, during the early stage of our relationship, it was hard, close friends of mine didn't like the idea of me in a relationship with him ( i understand them as well, they're trying to protect me and i appreciate it ) but i listened to my instinct, i chose to be with him and now look at us, still going strong and most importantly, we both are happy with each other. :) 

March 3rd | Chen's crib | 

of course we have our ups and downs just like any other ordinary couple out there, i mean there's no such thing as rainbows and unicorns 24/7 365 days a year in a relationship kayy. throughout our downs, he's always there for me, never ever ever ever give up on me, on us. this is what i love about him. he never fails to cheer me up although it can take hours and days but he manages to make me smile with his never ending affection for me. yes, he is good at talking i admit that and he proves it as well by actions. action speaks louder than words? he got both bitches. i am a lucky lady, especially... oh well, let's keep that tiny secret in my private closet. :D

March 3rd | Chen's crib

Dear Cheney, Chen, Cecen, Bunnyboy, SmartBunny, i love you. thank you so much for the joys, the memories, the happiness, the tears ( haha ) the laughters, the smiles, the headaches, the fights and basically just everything that you ever done for me. i'm glad that we met and out from the friendzone circle because, being with you, creating memories with you is what i like do best, i mean, i'm happy being with you, going out with you although for a short 3 hours of meeting up, it's enough to make my day. it's enough to make me feel i'm the only girl in the world. i'm sorry i can't be the perfect girlfriend for you, i can't be the best but trust me, i'm gonna spoil you with loyalty because i will never going to screw this up. shit man, i love you so much eh, do you know that?? hahaha. 

I am blessed to have you baby, i don't say this often but i really do feel blessed. Thank you to the above for giving me you, for giving me a man that i can depend on sunny and rainy days, to give me supports and endless of positive words to keep me strong whenever i'm facing tough situations, and thank you for pushing me and making me a better person baby, less drama and shits, just focus on the good happy things in life. like you! :*

and now i can't wait for you to come home so we can go drinking again and get raunchy. haha can ka like that baby? miaw~ 

Cheers for our first anniversary baby! *clanks* and counting! let's make more memories ( both stupid and sweet memories ) so we can smile and laugh about when we reach up our older days. :*

Ich Liebe Dich, Dick Cheney~ :)