samedi 9 février 2013

✎ Random Thoughts and Saturday

first of all, i feel like blogging although i don't have any particular topic to blog about. so i guess i'm just gonna type whatever i want to type, starting from.. now. 

had Bolognese Linguine for lunch, with bacons as well. cut the strips into bite sized pieces and sprinkle them on as toppings. :D maybe certain people might be thinking now, euw that's gross/ not a perfect combo/ blablabla butttt! it tastes damn good i tell you. seeeriously, like serious shit. i'm not a fan of pork, like i don't really eat pork but bacon is exceptional and too hard to resist. now i know whyyy Marshall from HIMYM loves bacons so much. haha. but since i'm like so jaga badan punya orang, i have to sweat my ass off and burn those damn fats of mine. the ugly fat. -_- 

i wish Cecen could taste my cooking, because i know he'll surely love it. he loves porkies~ pork is like his second lover lol. :D

speaking of Cecen, i miss him so much. i really miss him, so badly it drives me insane~ 5 more days to 11 months and all could i say is " high 5 baby! " and on March 14th is the markdown of our relationship. wee!  baby, let's meet up? soon? i miss you. :(

i notice that our relationship is becoming super serious, like, he met all of my family members already, he even went to my kampung during gawai, and i went to his's. met his dad at the most inapropriate hour ever ; 2 in the MORNING. i need to pee so i had to use the bathroom and talked with his daddy for a while. thank God his dad is such a cool and sporting man! haha. :D my dad cooked up for him when he came over to our home.  
he met my nieces and nephew, even my sister in law made a bed for him when he stayed over at my bro's house. i finally met his youngest brother and boyyyyyy~ they both looked the same. i almost thought his bro is Cecen wtf. hahaha. and honestly, i like the fact that we're going in this direction, together. he's with me, holding hands and endure all those shits without the feeling of giving up. well, mostly he's the superhero in this relationship. haha. and i love you for that, baby dear~ 

and his newest joke which never fails to crack me up, eventhough i'm mad as fuck; MABUK LAGIII~ MATA PEDIHHH~ * with the dangdut tune * HAHAHAH. oh mann~ LOLOLOLOL.

damn i love this cutesy silly boy of mine!~ :*