dimanche 3 février 2013

✎ PeriPera Lip Tint Water; Cherry Juice

Last January, i made a review about Peripera Lip Tint in Orange Juice ; http://sarahandherskinnylove.blogspot.com/2013/01/peri-my-life-with-pera.html and now, i'm going to a make a new review about the same brand's product but in a different shade; Cherry Juice. Expect some Redd-uh people. ;)

but first, read my convo with the Watson staff :-

Me : excuse me miss, i'm looking for PeriPera lip tint, do you sell em here?
Staff : Peri what?
Me : PeriPera
Staff : PeriPeral?
Me : no no, it's PeriPera, not Peral. it's a make up brand. 
Staff : Lipstick you mean?
Me : sik boh jak *straight away went out from the store* <-- i swear i dah hilang sabar cos that staff doesn't know anything about that brand at all. T_T

so based on what i encountered that day, i guess not all Watson's sell PeriPera products huh. 

so off i went to Seoul Beauty Avenue and grabbed my red baby.

the colour is definitely darker and very deep red yet when i applied on my lips, it's bright red actually. don't be fool ladies! and usually i apply a little bit more on the upper side of the bottom lips just so i could achieve Han Jae Hee or Suzy from Miss A lips. HAHA. and yes, it does works. looks so pretty! ;)

so you see, it's unedited and and yes, very deep red. can be very intimidating for certain people. 

but actually.... it's not reeeally that red. okay yes red but it has pinkish hue as well so not over the top at all. just what i wanted to make my lips has a little bit of colour instead of making it barenaked and pale. if i'm so layzay to glide on some lipsticks of course.

compare to the Orange Juice, i prefer this shade because for me, i think it looks much prettier and visible yet very natural. it's not too strong for sure but if you want look more fierce and want the "i'm a minx " look, just apply more and voila! you are ready to paint the town red. ;)

i got myself the Cherry Juice, Orange Juice and soon, Pink Juice andddd i wanna buy Jelly Tint and Tint Milk Tint.

i'm becoming so obsess with these babies i wish i have 6 lips instead of one so i can use each and everyone of them all at the same time. haha! anyways, i would recommend on using this if you don't like lipsticks or you're just having a " not in the mood to wear lipstick but i dont want a pale lips either " this i tell you, either you can wear it for dinners (remember to re-apply it again tho) or just on a casual day out. and if you want a shimmery effect, just add on some clear gloss. ;)