mercredi 27 février 2013

✎ Wednesday Blue.

it's pouring down heavily, thunders echoing and lightning strikes. i hate this kind of weather. believe it or not, i am scared of those two. scary bah the sounds, it's like a giant or something shouts very loudly from above the sky and we us humans, who lives down below, could hear the echo. okay, too much imagination here. i should stop before i crap even more. 

i don't have a particular topic to blog about actually, life seems life, nothing special to talk about and finally, February is about to end. tomorrow's the last day! so better make full use of it dear strangers, the last day of February in two thousand and thirteen. i've been watching a load of movies these days, mostly on Fox. i watched The Artist finally, and War Horse. epic movie. Stephen Spielberg was the director of the War Horse, an epic director. super epic and i love the fact that some of the Harry Potter casts were in the movie as well, Prof. Lupin and Neville. whee! This Sat, Woman In Black, on Fox. can't wait to watch it in HD quality. :D

what else.. oh yea, feeling super excited for this upcoming Sunday, gonna attend Lala's engagement ceremony with Chen. First dress choice; Peplum dress that is currently still in Melbourne so cancel that. Second choice; Topshop skater dress but... i'm not so sure about wearing it so we'll see how. anyways, I CAN'T WAIT. meeting up with my best friends and boyfriend at the same time and at the same place. what more can i ask for? :) oh oh, The Walking Dead is on Sunday as well! i am anxiously waiting for the next episode because the previous one was just too stressful to watched! Daryl finally came back to his group and Merle, i can predict Glenn will beat him up kaw - kaw. yes, i'm a big fan of Walking Dead. i find it's cool to shoot people in the head, if only it's legal. hahaha.

as i'm typing these words now, my tummy is screaming for Berrylite froyo and Chatime's Chocolate Hazelnut wtf.. -_-

here's a vain shot of me which i personally think.... i achieve Lena Fujii's Otona look, without the coloured contact lenses and fake lashes woohoo~ 

     I don't know what is up with my hand there, don't judge! ahahaha sigh*~ 

till then. xoxo~