mercredi 27 février 2013

✎ Wednesday Blue.

it's pouring down heavily, thunders echoing and lightning strikes. i hate this kind of weather. believe it or not, i am scared of those two. scary bah the sounds, it's like a giant or something shouts very loudly from above the sky and we us humans, who lives down below, could hear the echo. okay, too much imagination here. i should stop before i crap even more. 

i don't have a particular topic to blog about actually, life seems life, nothing special to talk about and finally, February is about to end. tomorrow's the last day! so better make full use of it dear strangers, the last day of February in two thousand and thirteen. i've been watching a load of movies these days, mostly on Fox. i watched The Artist finally, and War Horse. epic movie. Stephen Spielberg was the director of the War Horse, an epic director. super epic and i love the fact that some of the Harry Potter casts were in the movie as well, Prof. Lupin and Neville. whee! This Sat, Woman In Black, on Fox. can't wait to watch it in HD quality. :D

what else.. oh yea, feeling super excited for this upcoming Sunday, gonna attend Lala's engagement ceremony with Chen. First dress choice; Peplum dress that is currently still in Melbourne so cancel that. Second choice; Topshop skater dress but... i'm not so sure about wearing it so we'll see how. anyways, I CAN'T WAIT. meeting up with my best friends and boyfriend at the same time and at the same place. what more can i ask for? :) oh oh, The Walking Dead is on Sunday as well! i am anxiously waiting for the next episode because the previous one was just too stressful to watched! Daryl finally came back to his group and Merle, i can predict Glenn will beat him up kaw - kaw. yes, i'm a big fan of Walking Dead. i find it's cool to shoot people in the head, if only it's legal. hahaha.

as i'm typing these words now, my tummy is screaming for Berrylite froyo and Chatime's Chocolate Hazelnut wtf.. -_-

here's a vain shot of me which i personally think.... i achieve Lena Fujii's Otona look, without the coloured contact lenses and fake lashes woohoo~ 

     I don't know what is up with my hand there, don't judge! ahahaha sigh*~ 

till then. xoxo~ 

samedi 16 février 2013

✎ Don't you know, you're my sweetheart.

love you to bits baby dear!~ :*

taken from Cecen's. look at my face. ahahaha. i didn't even realised he wanna printscreened until he said " baby, read my blog now " hahaha so mean you Cecen. :D 


jeudi 14 février 2013

✎ 11monthsary and Valentine.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! i have like 1 more hour to wish before the clock strikes 12 am and here i am now, wishing it personally through my blog! :D Cecen and i didn't celebrate it today for the first time as a couple but it's okay for both of us. we celebrate our very own love and affection every single day,so high 5 baby! 

but what makes me want to write this post is that, we're 11 months already! time does passes by quickly eh? i can't believe we made it this far, with him which i never expect to be with to be frank because we're soo opposite. He can be so insensitive i tell you and i'm the sensitive one, and he listens to indie music like way too Indie whilst me, i listen to everything from pop, to kpop to indie to sappy love songs but despite all that, we still attracted to each other. just like what Cecen said " we're like magnets ".  i thought we're gonna be friends forever you know  which Cecen response with " so not cool eh like that " funny my baby there. :) last year 2012, on February, we mostly talked on Facebook, chat and such. i think we exchanged phone number already and he would text me early in the morning saying  " Good Morning! i hope you have great day at work today! am going to class now so yea, take care and dont skip lunch ar " :'D how sweet was that for a friend? just friend, not yet becoming a boyfriend and 11 months later, he still send me texts which contains major keywords; i love you, love me not, i miss you, and i want you. 

next week we gonna meet up, plan a date, to celebrate our monthsary. i think by the time we reach up 1 year he'll be in Penang already so, gotta celebrate with him before distance parts us again. i'm so in love with this man i couldn't even verbalize it. i couldn't even describe my feelings towards him, each time i'm with him, i still feel butterflies, not just in my tummy, in my brain as well. everything is just so perfect and just so happy. after 11 months, i still feel that way you ask? yes, i still and i think i always will. you have no idea how madly in love i am with you my baby dear. maybe you don't see it or i don't show enough but, look at me in the eyes and tell my if i'm lying to you. :')


how lucky i am to have you in my life, smart, funny, a cutie bunny and never fails to cheer me up *although it takes time* whenever im feeling down, for being a thoughtful, generous and wonderful boyfriend, and most importantly, you never ever give up on me, on us.  you Dick Cheney, for being the awesomest boyfriend and best friend, i love you today, i love you tomorrow and i will always love you. :*

|| back in 2012 ||

~ i fell in love with the little things like the way you think and the way you breathe ~

mercredi 13 février 2013

✎ Glee, You broke my Heart :(


they performed my FAVOURITE song in the whole wide world  - The Scientist by Coldplay. *sobs*

i hate the Break Up episode. it made me cried like a kid, sobbing and weeping while texting with Cecen. :( Cecen said i was being soo emo. i have the right to be emo kayh, because all of my favourite couples were no longer a couple. they b.r.o.k.e. u.p. :'(

oh Klaine ( Blaine + Kurt ) , Finn and Rachel, Santana and Brittany. i can't believe they are now just strangers with memories. damn eventhough it's just a tv program show, i literally feel them and to face the fact that you will never be able to talk with that one person like you used to, it's sad. now, i don't what that to  happen to me and Cecen, NO. i refuse to let that happen now, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in the future. may God bless us and keep us strong in this relationship. Amen.

what i could never understand is that, why Rachel want to let Finn go. they're so in love with each other and been together since Season 1 until 3 and now, the tie that binds them together snipped off just like that. how easily of her to let him go after what she'd been through to get Finn on her arms, it's ridiculous, for me lah. okay being so emo now!!

sad sad Glee, very sad Glee. sigh Ryan Murphy, you definitely know how to rip out the Gleeks heart. *sobss*

samedi 9 février 2013

✎ Random Thoughts and Saturday

first of all, i feel like blogging although i don't have any particular topic to blog about. so i guess i'm just gonna type whatever i want to type, starting from.. now. 

had Bolognese Linguine for lunch, with bacons as well. cut the strips into bite sized pieces and sprinkle them on as toppings. :D maybe certain people might be thinking now, euw that's gross/ not a perfect combo/ blablabla butttt! it tastes damn good i tell you. seeeriously, like serious shit. i'm not a fan of pork, like i don't really eat pork but bacon is exceptional and too hard to resist. now i know whyyy Marshall from HIMYM loves bacons so much. haha. but since i'm like so jaga badan punya orang, i have to sweat my ass off and burn those damn fats of mine. the ugly fat. -_- 

i wish Cecen could taste my cooking, because i know he'll surely love it. he loves porkies~ pork is like his second lover lol. :D

speaking of Cecen, i miss him so much. i really miss him, so badly it drives me insane~ 5 more days to 11 months and all could i say is " high 5 baby! " and on March 14th is the markdown of our relationship. wee!  baby, let's meet up? soon? i miss you. :(

i notice that our relationship is becoming super serious, like, he met all of my family members already, he even went to my kampung during gawai, and i went to his's. met his dad at the most inapropriate hour ever ; 2 in the MORNING. i need to pee so i had to use the bathroom and talked with his daddy for a while. thank God his dad is such a cool and sporting man! haha. :D my dad cooked up for him when he came over to our home.  
he met my nieces and nephew, even my sister in law made a bed for him when he stayed over at my bro's house. i finally met his youngest brother and boyyyyyy~ they both looked the same. i almost thought his bro is Cecen wtf. hahaha. and honestly, i like the fact that we're going in this direction, together. he's with me, holding hands and endure all those shits without the feeling of giving up. well, mostly he's the superhero in this relationship. haha. and i love you for that, baby dear~ 

and his newest joke which never fails to crack me up, eventhough i'm mad as fuck; MABUK LAGIII~ MATA PEDIHHH~ * with the dangdut tune * HAHAHAH. oh mann~ LOLOLOLOL.

damn i love this cutesy silly boy of mine!~ :*

mercredi 6 février 2013

✎ Smiles for the Night :)

Had a date with Cecen last Monday and yes, we had fun. so much fun although tiring. we planned to eat at Sushi King but ended up at KFC, i wonder what happen to the original plans. haha. we spent the afternoon watching movie titled 3AM. what can i say about the movie.. well, it's not that scary at all. typical Thai movie, consists 3 short horror stories and that's it. i would give it a rate; 3 out 5. thank God the last story called Overtime saved us from the boredom. freaking hilarious and very the celaka and scary at the same time. haha. 

typical camera phone quality, very typical quality sigh* Chen look like a Chinese lad isn't he? with his sepet eyes i always try to imitate. hahaha. cuteness~ 

around 9.30 pm we went to town and had late dinner at Tarot. ( planned to eat at Gourmet Sausage or Secret Garden Bistro but ended up at Tarot - original plan gone wrong haha ) i ordered Chicken Teriyaki Burger and he ordered ginger chicken rice. around 5 minutes later, the waitress came to our table and uttered " Chicken Teriyaki Burger dah habis, order lain? " i was like .. " -_________- well, fries jak lah " i had fries for dinner, only friess!~~ T_T i know i can order other foods but my brain, my heart and my soul only wants the burger. sigh*  luckily my tummy wasn't that hungry after all untilll, we had a drinking session with Andrea, Jon, Daryl and Aubrey! :D

with his Ginger Chicken Rice and Godzilla ( ice milo with crush Milo on top ) while me with my typical fries and typical warm water. HAHAH. trying to stay healthy and cut off some calories okayy~ no photos of me since the lighting is too dark to take photos. T_T

and off we went to Bratak to have some fun times with le friends. That's Andrea, my high school friend. haven't seen her for agesss and finally we met up and hung out, with le boyfie Jon as well! :D beers kept on flowing, tuak as well and Cecen was being Cecen, if you know what i mean. HAHA. we left the place around 4 am something, but i was so darn hungry and Aubrey was hungry as well so we went to Petanak Market to grab some food first. we both ordered porridge while Aubrey had the rice soup and once again, Cecen the awesome boyfie had to finished up my porridge, i had like 5 spoonful of it then there goes my tummy giving the " i'm full " signal to my brain. hahaha. thanks baby! :D

another memories made with him, and with le friends~ yes, an awesome night indeed i must say. :3

✎ Le Love Chen :)

Photo 1 ; the prim and proper Chen.
Photo 2 ; i hate my hair eh, sucks da juak.
Photo 3 ; oh you're still taking up photos?
Photo 4 ; arrrrrrrr~
Photo 5 ; still taking photos? NGEEEE!
Photo 6 ; ahhh baby, enough lah!
Photo 7; nah i give you a big punch! ee! 

what happened on Monday? well, Love and Happiness :)

dimanche 3 février 2013

✎ Bonjour~ Fevrier!


i hope you will be good to me, and to my boyfriend as well. please do not give me more shits because i have enough shits to deal with now. T_T

but this month is the month of love, can i feel the loveee pwetty please? :)

p/s; i can't wait for tomorrow! wee! :*

✎ PeriPera Lip Tint Water; Cherry Juice

Last January, i made a review about Peripera Lip Tint in Orange Juice ; and now, i'm going to a make a new review about the same brand's product but in a different shade; Cherry Juice. Expect some Redd-uh people. ;)

but first, read my convo with the Watson staff :-

Me : excuse me miss, i'm looking for PeriPera lip tint, do you sell em here?
Staff : Peri what?
Me : PeriPera
Staff : PeriPeral?
Me : no no, it's PeriPera, not Peral. it's a make up brand. 
Staff : Lipstick you mean?
Me : sik boh jak *straight away went out from the store* <-- i swear i dah hilang sabar cos that staff doesn't know anything about that brand at all. T_T

so based on what i encountered that day, i guess not all Watson's sell PeriPera products huh. 

so off i went to Seoul Beauty Avenue and grabbed my red baby.

the colour is definitely darker and very deep red yet when i applied on my lips, it's bright red actually. don't be fool ladies! and usually i apply a little bit more on the upper side of the bottom lips just so i could achieve Han Jae Hee or Suzy from Miss A lips. HAHA. and yes, it does works. looks so pretty! ;)

so you see, it's unedited and and yes, very deep red. can be very intimidating for certain people. 

but actually.... it's not reeeally that red. okay yes red but it has pinkish hue as well so not over the top at all. just what i wanted to make my lips has a little bit of colour instead of making it barenaked and pale. if i'm so layzay to glide on some lipsticks of course.

compare to the Orange Juice, i prefer this shade because for me, i think it looks much prettier and visible yet very natural. it's not too strong for sure but if you want look more fierce and want the "i'm a minx " look, just apply more and voila! you are ready to paint the town red. ;)

i got myself the Cherry Juice, Orange Juice and soon, Pink Juice andddd i wanna buy Jelly Tint and Tint Milk Tint.

i'm becoming so obsess with these babies i wish i have 6 lips instead of one so i can use each and everyone of them all at the same time. haha! anyways, i would recommend on using this if you don't like lipsticks or you're just having a " not in the mood to wear lipstick but i dont want a pale lips either " this i tell you, either you can wear it for dinners (remember to re-apply it again tho) or just on a casual day out. and if you want a shimmery effect, just add on some clear gloss. ;)