jeudi 14 février 2013

✎ 11monthsary and Valentine.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! i have like 1 more hour to wish before the clock strikes 12 am and here i am now, wishing it personally through my blog! :D Cecen and i didn't celebrate it today for the first time as a couple but it's okay for both of us. we celebrate our very own love and affection every single day,so high 5 baby! 

but what makes me want to write this post is that, we're 11 months already! time does passes by quickly eh? i can't believe we made it this far, with him which i never expect to be with to be frank because we're soo opposite. He can be so insensitive i tell you and i'm the sensitive one, and he listens to indie music like way too Indie whilst me, i listen to everything from pop, to kpop to indie to sappy love songs but despite all that, we still attracted to each other. just like what Cecen said " we're like magnets ".  i thought we're gonna be friends forever you know  which Cecen response with " so not cool eh like that " funny my baby there. :) last year 2012, on February, we mostly talked on Facebook, chat and such. i think we exchanged phone number already and he would text me early in the morning saying  " Good Morning! i hope you have great day at work today! am going to class now so yea, take care and dont skip lunch ar " :'D how sweet was that for a friend? just friend, not yet becoming a boyfriend and 11 months later, he still send me texts which contains major keywords; i love you, love me not, i miss you, and i want you. 

next week we gonna meet up, plan a date, to celebrate our monthsary. i think by the time we reach up 1 year he'll be in Penang already so, gotta celebrate with him before distance parts us again. i'm so in love with this man i couldn't even verbalize it. i couldn't even describe my feelings towards him, each time i'm with him, i still feel butterflies, not just in my tummy, in my brain as well. everything is just so perfect and just so happy. after 11 months, i still feel that way you ask? yes, i still and i think i always will. you have no idea how madly in love i am with you my baby dear. maybe you don't see it or i don't show enough but, look at me in the eyes and tell my if i'm lying to you. :')


how lucky i am to have you in my life, smart, funny, a cutie bunny and never fails to cheer me up *although it takes time* whenever im feeling down, for being a thoughtful, generous and wonderful boyfriend, and most importantly, you never ever give up on me, on us.  you Dick Cheney, for being the awesomest boyfriend and best friend, i love you today, i love you tomorrow and i will always love you. :*

|| back in 2012 ||

~ i fell in love with the little things like the way you think and the way you breathe ~