mercredi 6 février 2013

✎ Smiles for the Night :)

Had a date with Cecen last Monday and yes, we had fun. so much fun although tiring. we planned to eat at Sushi King but ended up at KFC, i wonder what happen to the original plans. haha. we spent the afternoon watching movie titled 3AM. what can i say about the movie.. well, it's not that scary at all. typical Thai movie, consists 3 short horror stories and that's it. i would give it a rate; 3 out 5. thank God the last story called Overtime saved us from the boredom. freaking hilarious and very the celaka and scary at the same time. haha. 

typical camera phone quality, very typical quality sigh* Chen look like a Chinese lad isn't he? with his sepet eyes i always try to imitate. hahaha. cuteness~ 

around 9.30 pm we went to town and had late dinner at Tarot. ( planned to eat at Gourmet Sausage or Secret Garden Bistro but ended up at Tarot - original plan gone wrong haha ) i ordered Chicken Teriyaki Burger and he ordered ginger chicken rice. around 5 minutes later, the waitress came to our table and uttered " Chicken Teriyaki Burger dah habis, order lain? " i was like .. " -_________- well, fries jak lah " i had fries for dinner, only friess!~~ T_T i know i can order other foods but my brain, my heart and my soul only wants the burger. sigh*  luckily my tummy wasn't that hungry after all untilll, we had a drinking session with Andrea, Jon, Daryl and Aubrey! :D

with his Ginger Chicken Rice and Godzilla ( ice milo with crush Milo on top ) while me with my typical fries and typical warm water. HAHAH. trying to stay healthy and cut off some calories okayy~ no photos of me since the lighting is too dark to take photos. T_T

and off we went to Bratak to have some fun times with le friends. That's Andrea, my high school friend. haven't seen her for agesss and finally we met up and hung out, with le boyfie Jon as well! :D beers kept on flowing, tuak as well and Cecen was being Cecen, if you know what i mean. HAHA. we left the place around 4 am something, but i was so darn hungry and Aubrey was hungry as well so we went to Petanak Market to grab some food first. we both ordered porridge while Aubrey had the rice soup and once again, Cecen the awesome boyfie had to finished up my porridge, i had like 5 spoonful of it then there goes my tummy giving the " i'm full " signal to my brain. hahaha. thanks baby! :D

another memories made with him, and with le friends~ yes, an awesome night indeed i must say. :3