jeudi 12 avril 2012

Starless Night


love of mine, someday you will die, but i'll be close behind, i'll follow into the dark, no blinding lights or tunnels to gates of white, just our hands clapsed so tight, waiting for the hint of the spark.

nauseated.i can feel my brain cells are having a chaos party among themselves because i feel so dizzy to the max.i think i am gonna get sick in anytime soon,i can see the signs already.sore throat,a massive flu,headache.sigh* and therefore,to lighten up my moodiness,i listen to What Sarah Said by Death Cab For Cutie over and over and over and over again until i get sick of it but i don't think i will tho,such a beautiful song,meaningful as well.go listen,the lyrics will make you wonder about your life and your loved ones.


sometimes,there are certain things that shouldn't be shared upon the world and keep it to yourself.there are certain things in life,are better left unsaid.