jeudi 9 mai 2013

✎ Miss Lolita and Le Block Party

I noticed i rarely blogged about my life anymore, from the bottled up feelings to the bitchy complaints. Sometimes, when i let my fingers doing its job, let my brain pouring its heart out, i'd read back about what i'd just typed and backspaced every single word, finally, those words that supposedly posted up in my blog, gone just like the rest of those unpublished posts. Am i the only one that is acting like this? Hmm. 

Maybe I should go back to the old blog self, where I write mostly about my days and my thoughts. Well, i shall see about it.

Anyways, i received my SS headbands long time ago but only got the chance now to blog about it. Thank you dear boyfriend, a sweet pressie indeed. Whee. :D Ich Liebe Dich, Chen~ 

The yellow box embossed with gold wordings, finally came to its mama; ME!

just what i said in my previous posts, i chose Lolita in Satin Red and Block Party in Pastel Green. Both looking so delicious and pretty i just want to hug them to bed and sayang2 them. LOL. crazy much..

And the image above is non edited, SOOC them photographers calls it ; straight out of camera. Look at them colours, one is looking devilish and the other one is soft as a dandelion. Both represents my attitude well, so do i feel satisfied? Well excuse me, if course it's a YES. Can't you see my happy wide smile hereee? 

Up next in my wishlist, Longchamp's and Micheal Kors' handbags. I've been a fan of them since I was in high school but never had the amount of money to buy them ; c'mon! do you think a student can earn 500 bucks to 5000 bucks without a getting a job? in dream boleh la~ so yea, i have to work my ass off, earn $$$, spend it on Longchamp's and die happily. haha kidding, but i might gonna bring them to sleep with me tho lol.

Other than Longchamp's, Herve Leger is in my wishlist too. *wink*

Till then, xox.