jeudi 8 mars 2012


#nowplaying New American Classic,introduced by someone over the rainbow. :) 

beautiful morning i had today.Nienie and i went to Creative Kids.i noticed one thing once i entered the building,no kids were crying at all.none.all of them were happily watching television,eating,i caught one or two of them trying to smacked each other's shoulder.oh so cute.those innocent faces,sometimes i wonder what the future has install for they will feel what i feel during adolescence,adulthood,dealing with fuck up human situations?will their glee smiles will fade through times?i can't stop myself but keep on wondering.i wish i could have a time machine tho,wherenever i encounter awful occurences,i will fly myself back to the 90's and warning the kiddo me ; avoid this guy,avoid that guy,don't do this don't do that or you will pay the price.i think,maybe in that way,i could save myself from a hell lot of dramas,heart breaks be it relationships and friendships and even family.

the only problem for a 6 year old is "which dress should i wear to school?" or "should i buy this candy instead of the other one?" i miss having those problems,simple problems.not involving money,life,friends,guys,work and every thing.