dimanche 16 septembre 2012

my little hero. :)

from March till September,we are already 6 months together.being silly and lovey together,i love this boyfriend of mine.on the early of our relationship,we endured so many things together.he saw me cried,he saw me fought with my dad,he met my aunt when the " incident" occured and bonded with her in just a second.i still recall my aunt said " what was his name again?,Cencen ka?" me : " Cecennnnnnn,bukan Cencennn,hahaha,just call him Dick jak " he met my family and went to my kampung.he is the only boyfriend that i brought to home and to my kampung eventhough we haven't reach one year status.back then i never brought any of my exes to home and met my family unless i feel confident about them and must be in a  relationship more than 1 year but with this Dick Cheney,its all different.i never think twice to bring him along everywhere i go because i want people that i know,people that i loved know he is my boyfriend now,he is my source of happiness and bliss. :3

he brought me to his home twice,met his dad ( Uncle Jopiieee! :D ) and his grandma and each time i wanna leave,he would give me a big warm hug and quick kiss on my lips.i feel special,i don't know why i feel that way.maybe my exes never treated me like the way he treated me and each days passing by,i feel even more in love with him deeper.yes are apart now,he's in Penang and im here in Sarawak but those butterflies and cloud nines,i still can feel and live in it.aaa i am so in love aren't i? during these 6 months together,we fought a lot,almost every night and i usually ended up slept with an angry heart and troubled mind but we managed to get over it in time.the love we had never ever reduce although yes,we shouted at each other  ( accidentally ) but we quickly apologized and admit each other's mistakes and soon we hugged and kissed.we're just like another normal couple out there,have its own ups and downs and in this relationship of ours,i feel there's more happiness than sadness.he's being the most considerate,the most patient,the most caring boyfriend i ever had.maybe he wasn't in his past but in the present,with me,he is an adorable love and that's what matters most.


" i love you like no other, i really really want to be with you and i ain't gonna let you go easily "

and i love him like no other too,i really really want to be with him and i ain't gonna let him go that easily, because of him,i feel alive again,because of him,i found the light after walking in a long dark road endlessly and because of him,i know how it feels like to be human again,to be able to laugh and to enjoy the life.

i love you dearly Dick Cheney,thank you for always being there for me,for always listening to my rants and complaints,for being extremely patient when i was being a stuck up,fussy and a spoil brat,for the time that you spent with me.i can list down so many great things about him but i don't think a day isn't enough.believe me. ;) so dear Dick Cheney,you came into my life and make it more wonderful than it was before.filled with laughters and tears although the tears part ya need to cut down haha but yeah,i feel wonderful when i'm with you.i feel happy.truly happy and believe me sayang,i will never ever gonna cheat on you because you are a too precious for me to do such stupid thing.

Happy 6monthsary baby! lets keep on continuing making memories so we can always look back and laugh about our own sillines in the future. :*