jeudi 20 septembre 2012


whatever you say,whatever you do,people will always gonna comment and judge you no matter here's my middle finger to you,for judging my life and my love life.don't you ever think that you know me that well to judge me,don't you ever think that you had been through what i been through because different person has a different experience and do you actually think that you are perfect enough?mature enough?good enough to simply say nasty things about me? pfft. instead of minding about my love life,why don't you mind about your own love life first?fix your own problem before you wanna fix mine.i am perfectly happy with my beau now and what does it has to do with you?sik kurang beras kat umah kau nak?sik hilang duit kau nak?

and i still can't believe you still have the interest to know about my life,kepo much?

you may have a pretty face but sadly you have an ugly soul.