jeudi 23 août 2012


raining.i can hear the raindrops are pouring on the roof top.i feel so at calm.sometimes,the sound of nature itself is the best melody ever made.

Chen is hanging out with his friends now,and here i am,blogging.i miss blogging actually,writing down stuff about what happen and how i feel about the day itself but i'm currently lack of ideas.i don't know.there are times i want to write an essay long post soon as i finish typing,i backspace every single word that i'd typed because,most of it are from my heart and when the heart speaks,you know how emo-ish those sentences and paragraphs can be,when you have a blog,people will gonna read it whether you like it or not.strangers,friends and even families gonna read,having a thought that my sister will going to read my blog,it's more than creepy.i dont want her to read my no.that is why sometimes i keep my post short and simple,filled with photos.sometimes pictures speaks louder than words,can translate every emotions captured in a still photo.of course if you're like my bf Chen who doesn't have any artistic eye,you probably just going to say "what?i don't get it,i don't understand" then i have to explain to him what does the photo means.haha,

honestly,i don't have any problems that bugging my ass now,things are fine and okay ( thank God for that ) i shopped a lot,mostly dresses at online blogshops.i feel great each time i clicked the button "add to cart and check out".is it a disorder?i dont know. "to die by your side,is such a heavenly way to die" that's how i feel about buying dresses's odd that when i was in St.Teresa middle school,i was a bit of a tomboy.i was an athlete ever since primary 3 until pri 6.hurdles,rellays,100m with my best friends Elizabeth and Joyce.high school,i was into Hockey although my dad kept on nagging me "jangan main hoki,nanti patah kaki patah hidung" i was never into dresses and heels,handbags.i was the girl who wants sport shoes,shopping for sport shorts and tees,spike shoes for hurdles and jansport for bagpacks.sometimes i brought hockey stick to home which i borrowed from my friend ( dad wont buy me one ) and on late evening,my friends and i meet up   and having a hockey playtime.until i quit Hockey and less active in sports,i changed to a more girlish type.i wear handbags to school,yes handbag,make up and circle of friends weren't the same as i had in my younger days and yea,i fact,i don't like sports anymore.ironic isn't it.but of course,i changed for the good. :)

so what else,nothing else i life,happier now.Chen came in and i feel blessed to have such a loving and caring boyfriend in my life although at times he's being heartless ( haha! ) he's a Gemini,what do you expect?24 hours sensitivity?dead wrong.anyway,we spent 2 days at my place,i feel two more weeks,he's going to fly off to Penang so each hours and days spend,better spend it wisely.yes?shittards,will always gonna talk shit so i don't really bother much.we both are not live to please their lives so really,*whatever* <--- insert bimbo tone here.

i love you Baby!Honeybee!my own Bunny and Squirrel!muacchx~ Cecencencencen :*

*hidden monster in the cave* yes baby,freaking larve it :D