lundi 21 mai 2012

"Now I'm Free, Free Fallin"

  • #nowplaying Say by John Mayer,i love his calm and simple soothes my mind and soul 
  • the weather is being insanely warm for almost a month now.sweaty all around,my head is pounding hard due to this humid.oh my Rain,where are you?we humans need you. :(
  • i bought a new classic book by Louisa May Alcott titled Little Women,a must have for classic fans && my classic shelf is almost full now.yay and another photography magazine for me to learn.just nice.
  • Anne Frank, i came across about her bio in Tumblr then i straight away picked up her book in my shelf and re-read again the opening word. i hope i shall be able to confide to you completely, as i have never been able to do in anyone before, and i hope that you will be a great support and comfort to me. 
  • it has been 6 days already since Cecen and i last met and i can't deny that i am feeling crappy now.i misssssss him. *sigh*and due to that,i can feel like i am gonna transform into a zombie, so can i eat you strangers?
  • dusk, i love it when the sky turns dark blue painted with golden's beyond amazing.