mardi 8 mai 2012

endless cycle.

6.30 am,convince myself to wake up.sit with a blanket wrapping my foot.turn on the shower tap.water running through my skin.staring at closet,thinking what to wear.dressing up,put a little make up tea with a couple of bread or for a to work.

meet new people.editing photos.staring the monitor screen.the brain is at somewhere else.the boss talking.the soul is at a far far place.lunch.editing photos again.yawning and trying to look for some food to eat.tweeting and stalking tea or coffee again.talking to the customers.trying to smile and stay polite eventhough they are rude as hell.5 or 6 pm, home.

head straight to room.bags on the bed.on laptop,playing some music.texting with Rabbittchen.mind is languid.eyes are soring.body is exhausted.dinner.texting with Rabbittchen again.shower,feeling the drizzling water over the skin.over thinking,i should stop doing that.reading some book just to quench the thirst for words.lying down.thinking,imagining things.blanket pull up to the chest.facing side way.thinking.staring at the phone screen.eyes shut.earphones on.sleep.

the next day, repeat the same step.

a banal life.

thank God i have an amazing boyfriend whom can keep up with my bipolar attitude. :3

Bliss - n : Extreme Happiness ; Ecstasy = Dick Cheney