lundi 28 mai 2012

science and progress,did not speak as loud as my heart

each day passing by,i could feel my energy slowly draining by this sick sick sick emotions that keeps on  consuming me endlessly.i don't know why lately i'm being such a monstrous bitch and the evil wicked witch and yea,sometimes i am being the heartless girlfriend to my's not that i did it in purpose,it's not that i didn't love him,get that fact straight,i still madly deeply in love with my adorable boyfriend but sometimes,the situation around me gets me at my worst and when that happens,i have the tendency to snap at anyone who's get into my life ain't easy you see.i could put on the most sweetest widest smile to show to the world but you really really have no idea what's going inside me,the deepest mind is working,keep on thinking.i go to bed with the same thought and wake up the next day with the same thought drives me nut actually but i couldn't help is in my nature to over think and over analyze about absolutely everything.i know it's not healthy but excuse me,i was born without an on-off switch.having headache everyday and taking panadols to ease the pain for a while is like a routine to me now.hmm.

what's up with me and Cecen is that,i can see everyday we have something to disagree about.he's with his lecture mode and i'm with my stubborn mode.he's with his talk mode and i'm with my listening mode.there are times i do disagree with him silently but i know by saying out about my disagreement,it would start up an argument which i really really really want to avoid of and he as well,mun boleh nang sik mok kelaie.he's a great,full detailed talker while me,i'm the clumsy talker so there's no way i will win the argument so i just shut myself up and suck it you know you know. xD we both,are so opposite.completely opposite.he is the life of the party,energy up 24/7 while me,im the quiet girl who doesn't love to talk to almost people in this world and preferring lounging in my bedroom,cuddle up with my pillow,read a book and swim into my own world.he's with his standard on dressing codes,mok modern2 medes hot jak while im with my vintage dress sense which is nowhere near hot.his constant talk about his past which i have no idea what was the point of mentioning of his "dragons".his words that sometimes can sting you to the heart and im with my fragile heart and unstable mood swings so to be honest,it is really freaking hard to handle him and i am hard to handle as well.

another thing that makes me sometimes uncontrollably upset is this motherfucking distance that keeps on bugging me since i was 20 years old.although we are apart by 45km by land,i still could feel the distance,the missing feeling it a month,we only met once or twice or thrice,all of that by chance or luck so you see,after a long distance relationship i'd endured for almost three years,now i am starting to feel it is going to be the same sucks.honestly.for once in my life,i just want a normal relationship like other it really too much of me for asking it? sigh* this September,Cecen might be going to Shah Alam to pursue his degree and for the second time again,i will be left alone.thinking about that,i feel slightly scared that history might repeat.lack of communication,skyping,webcamming,texting due to study obligations and i,with my it's hard,it ain't easy and nowhere near great.

you don't know about this Chen but i am really really really scared of the pain that God forbids might occur again but for sure,i know i love you and i know that you love me too.

despite our lack of same interests,we at least have one thing in common,which is the four world,love.the feeling i have for him is the only sole thing that keeps me holding on to this rope that binds us together and i guess he is too.we have been through a hell lot of dramas that involves my family this month,he was there for me,he was there to support me,wiped my tears off from my cheek,hugged me and promised me that everything will be alright the next day and that is the main reason i love him,he cares about me and he shows it,not by only saying it.i know people will say love is not enough because it could crumbles down easily because the lack of same interest but that's where him and i need to prove them prove the world wrong.if we keep on standing onto the solid ground holding hands,i don't think other elements could shake the faith that installed in us.the feeling is too strong to let go.too strong..

it takes all kinds of weather
to bring us closer together
althogh we are apart
i still dream about u boy

the words above are from Cecen's blog.i spent my morning reading his posts about us,about our past from just crushes to's really funny when i read back yet it sweet.really sweet and yes,it brought the smiles back to this face of mine. :) i do love you Cecen and i mean every alphabet of it,from the I to the letter U.although i can be such a pain in the ass or you think that my love for you is decreasing,or you might think i wanna give up or suddenly have regrets but please,don't you dare think such a thing.never ever let that poisonous thought invade your mind because you know i will never ever love you fact i am in love with you more and more each day despite our misunderstandings and intense are too adorable to let go. :') and most importantly,past is past.yesterday is yesterday,today is today.

remember when you said " gonna teach you cooking for sure, teach you bidayuh and then gonna meet up your dad, okie? " this may sound absurd or nonsense to you but those little words that might be meaningless to you,could be the world to me.each time we fought,i will replaying your words like a tape in my brain so that my faith will be restore back,my brain will be thinking about the future ahead and most importantly,why i fell in love with you in the first place so that's how i hold on to this sometimes.i know i might seem a silly person right now but what the hell,i don't care as long as you know what i am trying to say to are the world to me,i :')

i mean it when i say i don't think i could love anyone else again like i love you are the last one dear dear Chen