dimanche 6 mai 2012

The Honey Tree


It started it out as a feeling which then grew into a hope
which then turned into a quiet thought 
which then turned into a quiet word
and then the word grew louder and louder til there was a battle cry
i'll come back when you call me
no need to say goodbye

i am fully aware that my blog now is filled with Cecen's name and no one else,oh well i am freaking in  love with him.there's nothing i could do to stop myself from typing his name and story about him.the state of my brain right now is 100% Dick Cheney.other people?a big fat 0.thinking about him makes me smiling like an idiot and the feeling of wonderful-ness is just blooming inside.great lovey feelings i must say,alas..i miss him so dearly. :'(

Dear you, i'm writing this to you sincerely from the very bottom of my heart.i know i can be such a psycho mad girl friend who has an attitude that sometimes very absurd to deal with.i sometimes push you away just because of tiny little things you did and you have to wait till the next day for me to contact you back.i can be intolerable and very hard to pin down because i dont want to tell you what is going on with my brain which i admit,i myself don't understand how my complex mind works.i can be sometimes,a pain in the ass i guess..i'm sorry if i keep on making you worry about me,about my unstable mood,about my bitchy attitude.i am really,really,sorry.

i love you so much i don't want to lose you because i don't think i can endure another painful *the word B* anymore and you know it right.i just want to live and share my life with you and only you.i know we are still in an early stage in this relationship but you know what,you might be right about saying we both like knew each other for a long time now and so,i do want to spend my future with you.i do want to create more memories with you,have more significant moments with you and be a part of your life.i want you to be a part in my life as well because,you complete the missing puzzle in my life.i know this whole post is so cheesy and very cliche and maybe,you've heard it before when you were still with your exes but i don't care,i don't really care whatever shit they ever said to you because i know,my words are real,it is a fact and don't you dare doubt about it.loving you is the most wonderful thing i could ever experience now.trust me,you give me an endless buckets of happiness.not through money or materials but through of how the way you treat me ever since we were friends.even until now,i am still feeling the butterflies flying all over in my stomach each time we meet up,the ridiculous anxious feeling which you keep on laughing about it "why?kenak,kenak anxious tok?hahaha" boy boy you have no idea how big is the impact you give me each time we want to meet up. :) 

Dear you, i cannot promise you that this relationship is going to be all about rainbows,chocolates and sweets because there will be rough times like any other relationships in this world but trust me,as long as you trying to make this work,i'm staying and i'm not going to stand in front of you,i'm going to stand beside you.

Love ya loads sweet sweet Rabbitt Tooth of mine. :3