jeudi 22 mars 2012

rainbows all over :)

#nowplaying Kata by The Trees and The Wild.the guy introduced me to this band used to be the guy somewhere over the rainbow but he isn't now,he's theee boyfriend now. :D

life has been great so far,has been treating me very very well indeed.thank you so much to Him for giving me endless of happiness after countless of dark times i've been through.i guess the saying is pretty accurate "after a hurricane,there's a rainbow" and yes,Cen is the rainbow that sparks up my life.suk sik kau Cen? :D *hugss*

printed his photos just to see his face every day,each time i wake up every morning and each time i go to bed.each time i miss him and each time i wish i could see him in a real life instead of in the technology world.we are in a long distance relationship but not for a long time,the date April 8th will be the big day for me because he is coming back home for real good and that's it,no more LDR for real although i still stuck at this small town but well well,we'll find a way to meet up.estimated 32km from Kuching to this town,kinda eff but there will always a way to sort this distance matter.

quote by Cecen. :3

i know maybe some people out there talk about us,saying shitty things about him and me as well,brought up my past,his past although it's long forgotten,some humans just can't see us being happy in a relationship which i do not understand why and can't quite figure out the reason of this as i'm not sad at all,i do not care about you strangers opinions,i am perfectly happy with my own life,my own choice and i am glad that i share my life with's time for haters to suck it up and accept the fact that we are an item now.fucking accept it,no matter how shitty he was before,i believe in a second chance and every one deserves it because no human being in this earth is perfect.he ain't perfect,i ain't perfect and you ain't perfect stop judging and please,mind your own bussiness because life is too short to gossip about other people's life. :)

the reason i smile every day and forever in a cloud nine.

 p/s i still think the icon should be ":)" instead of  ":D" but even better if you put ":B"  Cen.ngee.