vendredi 9 mars 2012

Heart beats like a Super Bass


nothing much to say except i am completely grateful for today and yes,i can't stop smiling even until now.thank you for putting a smile upon my face you boy.


p/s : the blonde girl in this video..i am jealous of her,i admit.from her hair,her make up,her style even her on screen boyfriend,her job as well.the dresses hung on the wall,the peter pan white lace dress.ultimate vintage.

talk about that,my clothes finally arrived last dress,my long sleeve shirt,a short pant and two skinny belts but sadly,i purchased the wrong size for my short's too small!or i'm the one that's getting bigger?! ==' and so i gave my sister for free.she likes it and so,happy ending i guess?eventhough my money flew away just like that but oh well,that's life i suppose.

reading of the month?

done with Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte,now i am moving on to her sister,Emily Bronte.well lets hope her writing will not going to dissapoint and constantly intrigues with her words.

and now i am off to watch The Lord of The Rings.

and you there rabbit teeth,imy. :)