mardi 27 mars 2012

1000 dreams.

The Kite Runner ; i bought the book since last January but only now i have the time to read it,but seriously this book had me at its first word.i bring it to my workplace,to my bed and when i am so into the writing,i bring it to the toilet as well.sampei juakk??yess..nang sampei juak. :D

and the boyfriend is being adorable as always.:3

"you love me not?"

the question i will never get tired of listening to.oh the butterflies flying rapidly each time he says the L bomb and i can't even deny that my heart is really into him day after day.being in love with someone who loves you back,is such a heavenly thing to feel and nothing could ever beat that.

the white lace has arrived!it came yesterday and i am indeed satisfied with my new LWD.Dad was being nosy as always and asked me the same question every week and month this morning "barang apa kau beli tot?" and due to laziness,i just said "barang lah" xD no no not being rude,i just sometimes hate listening him nagging about clothes i purchased almost every two weeks. *sigh* i need to go to online shopping rehab. t_t

well, since i am talking about clothes now,here's the link to the online shops i usually shop at and yes,it's not that expensive at all. :)

and currently digging on this ; Mooie!

#nowplaying 1901 by Birdy,and i am still hunting the peter pan collared dress.