dimanche 21 juillet 2013

✎ Date with Loves :)

Finally my boyfriend is back in Kuching, new semester will start on the early of September so we have 2 months to spend some quality time together and we went out last Friday for the first time in 4 months. Oh the JOY! Oh the HAPPINESS HUHA!

|| Chen & I || The Manhattan Fish Market tHe Spring ||

We went to Ruai bar and hung out with one of my close friend Valent and her beau, had fun drinking & laughing & gossiping around. We haven't seen each other for years! YEARS MIND YOU so Chen and I  arrived there around 8. 30 p.m.and left at 12 midnight something, AND WE DIDN'T REALISED WE SPENT 4 HOURS PLUS TALKING SLASH LAUGHING NON STOP. I felt like I've been there for like 1 hour? Time flies really fast when you are really having fun, so glad we finally hung out together because i really miss my school friends, but sadly I didn't took photos with her, haha. It's okay, next time. There will always be next time. :)

The next day, Chen picked me up at home and off we went to tHe Spring to grabbed lunch, the original plan was to have to lunch at Sushi King because I've been craving for sashimi like cray but we ended up eating at Manhattan Fish Market, craving for fish & chip too at that time; crazy tummy. crazy appetite =='. 

|| Fish & Chip for le girlfriend, and she lovesss the cajun honey sauce so so much! I prefer the cajun dip over tartar! ||

|| Roasted Herb Chicken spagetti with Marinara sauce for le boyfriend ||

As usual, Chen had to finished up my meal, i have a big appetite but a small  tummy, hihi. Thank you baby! :D Guess what, we only spent rm25 for the meals as Chen's friends is a supervisor there and gave us 30% discount off from the original price. LOL. Thank you too, Chen's friend! :D 

|| My Love, My Boyfriend, My Bestfriend, My Partner in Crime, My Sidekick, My Engineer  ||

Off we went to B!ng to meet another close friend mine since high school, Andrea, and coincidentally Chen's friend was working too and our drinks? It's on the house. Haha. Thanks Joanne! I ordered Iced Vanila while Chen ordered Iced Blended Chocolate Latte. Fantastic drinks for fantastic people, eh?

|| Le Drinks || B!ng, Premier 101 ||

Say hello to my friend Andrea! Do we look alike? We both have a mole right on the middle of our neck, can you spot our mole? :D 

|| Le owner of le blogg & her crazy smart adowable boyfriend ||

My weekend was well spent, with my loved one and crazy friends. I miss them already as soon as we parted ways, sigh* but lol next week also can meet up bah duh Phillis~ 

In a nutshell, I had a simple yet fantastic weekend. Can't wait to see you again, DICK CHENEY! :*

And here's a random shot of me rasa cute and him, the beast. HAHA. 


lundi 15 juillet 2013

✎ Rest in peace, Cory Monteith

I've been a fan of Glee ever since it started in 2009, i've been watching the series religously, never missed an episode until Season 4 finale and it's mainly because of the lead actor, Cory Monteith. Most people in my age says that series is somewhat " Gai ", weird and ridiculous of how they suddenly started singing in the middle of a conversation but to me, it's different, it's like Grease-ish kind of series and  it's good to know it's okay to be awkward, to accept who you are as a person, to be you. Does it make an impact on me in real life? Definitely yes, 'cos I have a lot of insecurities, ie; I think my eyes are too big and i was picked on by my school mates 'cos of them, AND I even watched Monte Carlo because of him, not because of Selena Gomez. :(

I made a post about Glee last February, the break up episode. I never post anything drama related unless it's worth posting and if I really really attached to it; 

Knowing the fact that one of my favourite character, Finn Hudson is dead, in real life dead, it's devastating, heartbreaking and very very very sad. I cried yesterday when i read the reports on Enews, CNN and other major sites, it's hard to swallow up the news because it's just too sudden. It's hard for us Gleeks  to accept the tragic news but what else to say for Lea Michele, who played as Rachel Berry in Glee? His on-off onscreen girlfriend, and his fiance in the offscreen life and to make it even more heartbreaking, they were supposed to get married in 2 weeks. Words can't decribe..

Certain people will likely to think i'm being dramatic and shit but I've been with Glee since I was 20 years old, enjoying every episode and now, there will be no more Cory Monteith as Finn Hudson in Glee Season 5, it saddened me. He is the glue and the leader of Glee. How can i not be dramatic. If you watched Glee as much as I did, prolly you'll understand how I feel.

Rest in peace, dear Cory, you'll always be the best dancer in Glee although you donned  a shirt " I CAN'T DANCE " in Glee Concert. Funny boy. :')

The Gleeks will miss you, so much..

vendredi 12 juillet 2013

✎ One Word.

mercredi 3 juillet 2013

✎ Restless; Hiroshi's Letter

Resultados da Pesquisa de imagens do Google para http://s.glbimg.com/jo/g1/f/original/2011/05/13/restless-cena2.jpg

“As I write this letter, the ocean breeze feels cool on my skin. The very ocean is soon to be my grave. They tell me I will die a hero, that the safety and honor of my country will be the reward for my sacrifice. I pray they are right.

movie | via Facebook

My only regret in life is never telling you how I feel. I wish I were back home. I wish I were holding your hand. I wish I were telling you that I have loved you and only you since I was a boy. But I am not. 
I see now that death is easy. It is love that is hard. As my plane dives, I will not see the face of my enemies. I will only, instead, see your eyes. Like black rocks frozen in rain water. They tell us that we must scream, “Banzai” as we plunge into our target. I will instead whisper your name. And in death, as in life, I will remain forever yours."

mardi 2 juillet 2013

✎ Hola, Flickr!

I decided to delete my old Flickr account and start anew, I feel much lighter and organize with the freshly  made new account. I specifically rename my photos with numbers so i can keep track of every photos i'd uploaded. Last time, dumps, clutter and more clutters. IT HURTS MY EYES hence the deletion. I can't wait to fill up my photostream with photos that I took and share it with the world. When was the last time i took a photo and put quotes on it, hmm prolly last year... 

Strawberries as my first photo for the new account; I don't like strawberries, i like KIWIS! :)

Click HERE to see my new photostream! :)  

And oh ya, Flickr changed its look too which i don't quite fancy, i prefer the old Flickr look but oh well, everything is evolving now, yes?