mardi 2 juillet 2013

✎ Hola, Flickr!

I decided to delete my old Flickr account and start anew, I feel much lighter and organize with the freshly  made new account. I specifically rename my photos with numbers so i can keep track of every photos i'd uploaded. Last time, dumps, clutter and more clutters. IT HURTS MY EYES hence the deletion. I can't wait to fill up my photostream with photos that I took and share it with the world. When was the last time i took a photo and put quotes on it, hmm prolly last year... 

Strawberries as my first photo for the new account; I don't like strawberries, i like KIWIS! :)

Click HERE to see my new photostream! :)  

And oh ya, Flickr changed its look too which i don't quite fancy, i prefer the old Flickr look but oh well, everything is evolving now, yes?