mardi 17 juillet 2012

"will you be my friend in my dream?" #np Soley

today is neither gloomy nor happy day,my mind is playing confusing game on myself which can be consider almost a daily routine.there are so many things in my head now but i don't know say it out because i can't find the precise words for me to say.words,i am so bad at,i guess i am just going to bottle it up like i usually do. *sigh* anyway,it has been a while since i last updated my Flickr and so i logged in to my account,checked several things,messages,contacts and i browsed back my old photos,since November 2010,haha seems so funny that i was such a photo junkie ( and still is ). then i came across on this particular photo which at that time,i was in a post Potter depression,my mind was all about Snape for a week and felt so down until i cried so hard when my friend asked me about the last Potter movie, ( i know, FANATIC ) so to end my depression and to expressed my sadness,i took this ; it has been a year and i can't believe that time flies so fast eyh. *sigh* enough about Potter.i took several shots earlier on,i miss taking photos!eventhough in my room jak.hahah.random photos,random captions. :)

have you ever feel so alone,so lonely,as if you're the only human there even in a crowded room? yea,i feel that most of the time. 

Mir boyfriend is going to Penang soon,on September,continuing his so proud of you sayang. :) LDR again eyh?we both went through it together,i guess we can handle it nicely this time. *hugs*

i'm bored with the usual one color nail so i bought a crack nail polish last Saturday.look at my nails on the image above,damn i love those effects.i know pastels are in but screw pastels,i need to colour up my life with bold tones.i feel so ngegeh. :D

and this Mädchen will always be Forever 21. ;)