mercredi 11 avril 2012

a thousand splendid suns

April 5th 2012,my Dad's 53rd birthday.we had a celebration for him that night,right after he came home from work at 7.30 the year passes by,he is getting a year older,i can see the the wrinkles and the aging signs starting to form around the forehead,the black spot on his hands,the almost greying hair but to me as his daughter,he is still look the same when i was 6 back then.the man that held my hand whenever wanted to crossed the road,the man that still looked after me and watched me from the class window when i was too terrified of strangers on the first day of school.yes,he is aging but to my eyes,he still the strong fine man i call Ayah. :') 

my sister and i shared money for his birthday gift,a book about war and definitely his forte.he is the reading type of Dad,always interested in increasing his knowledge no matter in law,war,politics or famous figures.some people said he should be in a politic world because he is absolutely coherent in debating or giving speech and can attract people with his talk even i myself can listen to his daily politic thoughts even though i know it is indeed a boring topic to talk or listen. xD the gift was definitely a perfect one because i see he bring the book to bed and read until he fell asleep and sometimes to his office as well,where books and dictions piled over one another so yea,we were happy splurging our money on something that made our superhero smile.

i bought myself another candy as well,a new addition to my family book.i am still reading The Kite Runner in the present *REALLY EMOTIONAL UNTIL I SOMETIMES TOO CARRIED AWAY AND ONCE IT AFFECTED MY MOOD AND CECEN HAD TO BEAR WITH IT!* xD so sorry boyfriend,you know me.once i feel the story,i feel to the deep core and emotionally,mentally influenced as well. :B

talk about Cecen,we are in good terms now although there are a bit of upset matters that made him went PARANOID ANDROID because of the end we managed to overcome our problems with his commucating skills and his cute talks which i never wanted to fell over for but it was so HARD oh my god.he's very very very good at talks i tell you and i'm the suckier one.haha.i like to call him a smooth talker although he deny of being one but he really is,a gift i guess but don't you dare you misuse your gift to other girls Cecen.poke your eyes later,with sharp big needles.take note on that. :D 

all in all,i am living the blissful life now.with my Dad still in a good healthy shape,my sister who never fails to make me laugh with her celakaness stupid jokes,with a loving adorable boyfriend whom i can turn to,best friends from primary school still keeping in touch and up until now,we still talking nonsense like we used to and laughing around like there's no tomorrow.everything seems perfect,and i thank you God for that. :)