mardi 6 août 2013

✎ Sweet Saturday

Chen and I went out for a date again last Saturday, dinner date to be specific at Alfresco Wine | Dine. A popular place to dine in among the Kuchingites and i definitely can see why, the food portion was humongous, the ambience was pretty nice too for couple and family, but sometimes it could be too noisy because of the other guests, just like that night, a group of old men drinking beer, shouting to each other like they owned the place. I mean, there's a coffee shop nearby if you want to shout at each other, laughing like you're in the living room watching some stupid comedy show. Ugh. 

Anyways! Here's the photos on what happened on Saturday ; 

|| Le Boyfriend & his Bento set || Sushi King tHe Spring ||

Had lunch earlier at Sushi King, finally i got my sushi fix; salmon to be precise. HA! This cray craving of mine  since forever, finally fulfilled. The happy girl was definitely happy. :D 

|| The lady in Red || Alfresco Wine & Dine ||

|| My date for the night || Alfresco Wine & Dine ||

I ordered the restaurant's most famous dish ( heard it from a friend ) The Chicken Chop; grilled chicken thigh with well seasoned grilled veges, delicious mashed potatoes and mushroom sauce. Tasted so good but I couldn't finished it, i think that plate alone can feed up three people of my size. Seriously. While Chen ordered Chicken Cutlet; deep fried chicken fillets with grilled veges and mashed potatoes as well, with the black pepper sauce and tartar dip too. It was so - so for me as i don't fancy deep fried chicken for dinner. Chen said it's too oily he couldn't even finish it up too. Haha. 

It was a nice dinner we had that night although it was raining and my " one hour of makeup and hair - do " totally ruined 'cos of the strong wind and rain. One of the most annoying #girlproblems ever, but Chen was being nice, insisted I looked good although I felt like I looked like an old hag. Hehe. Kiss Kiss. :* By the way, the red dress i wore was from ASOS. Absolutely in LOVE with that dress, you could read my love for it HERE!

|| Shot 1; WE'RE SO BLURRR || Gawing Backyard Bar ||

|| Shot 2; Chill took this! || Gawing Backyard Bar ||

Met Chill and Jason ( Geng Keras Chen ) at Gawing Bar, had fun laughing around with them, Chill even asked " Can I do a Couple Test to you both? " Haha. I even surprised how Chen know me so well in terms of what colour I like, what kind of movie genres i watch and so on because, I never told him my likes and dislikes ever since we started dating. We just knew it by ourselves. That's how fantabulous we really are, high five baby! 

Awesome Saturday night spent with Awesome people. On the next post, I'mma write about Sunday and The Conjuring; One of the most scariest movie I ever watched in my entire life, no shit.