mardi 28 août 2012


jeudi 23 août 2012


raining.i can hear the raindrops are pouring on the roof top.i feel so at calm.sometimes,the sound of nature itself is the best melody ever made.

Chen is hanging out with his friends now,and here i am,blogging.i miss blogging actually,writing down stuff about what happen and how i feel about the day itself but i'm currently lack of ideas.i don't know.there are times i want to write an essay long post soon as i finish typing,i backspace every single word that i'd typed because,most of it are from my heart and when the heart speaks,you know how emo-ish those sentences and paragraphs can be,when you have a blog,people will gonna read it whether you like it or not.strangers,friends and even families gonna read,having a thought that my sister will going to read my blog,it's more than creepy.i dont want her to read my no.that is why sometimes i keep my post short and simple,filled with photos.sometimes pictures speaks louder than words,can translate every emotions captured in a still photo.of course if you're like my bf Chen who doesn't have any artistic eye,you probably just going to say "what?i don't get it,i don't understand" then i have to explain to him what does the photo means.haha,

honestly,i don't have any problems that bugging my ass now,things are fine and okay ( thank God for that ) i shopped a lot,mostly dresses at online blogshops.i feel great each time i clicked the button "add to cart and check out".is it a disorder?i dont know. "to die by your side,is such a heavenly way to die" that's how i feel about buying dresses's odd that when i was in St.Teresa middle school,i was a bit of a tomboy.i was an athlete ever since primary 3 until pri 6.hurdles,rellays,100m with my best friends Elizabeth and Joyce.high school,i was into Hockey although my dad kept on nagging me "jangan main hoki,nanti patah kaki patah hidung" i was never into dresses and heels,handbags.i was the girl who wants sport shoes,shopping for sport shorts and tees,spike shoes for hurdles and jansport for bagpacks.sometimes i brought hockey stick to home which i borrowed from my friend ( dad wont buy me one ) and on late evening,my friends and i meet up   and having a hockey playtime.until i quit Hockey and less active in sports,i changed to a more girlish type.i wear handbags to school,yes handbag,make up and circle of friends weren't the same as i had in my younger days and yea,i fact,i don't like sports anymore.ironic isn't it.but of course,i changed for the good. :)

so what else,nothing else i life,happier now.Chen came in and i feel blessed to have such a loving and caring boyfriend in my life although at times he's being heartless ( haha! ) he's a Gemini,what do you expect?24 hours sensitivity?dead wrong.anyway,we spent 2 days at my place,i feel two more weeks,he's going to fly off to Penang so each hours and days spend,better spend it wisely.yes?shittards,will always gonna talk shit so i don't really bother much.we both are not live to please their lives so really,*whatever* <--- insert bimbo tone here.

i love you Baby!Honeybee!my own Bunny and Squirrel!muacchx~ Cecencencencen :*

*hidden monster in the cave* yes baby,freaking larve it :D

mardi 14 août 2012

We Steal Love Songs Tonight


times flies by and with a blink of an eye,our relationship grow a month older!happy 5monthsary honey,you know i love you lots right.only you are the one that can keep up with my unstable mood swings, "unpredictable" you call it and i am blessed to have a very very very very patient boyfriend like you.i don't think other guys can handle me like the way you do and therefore i am grateful and thanks to the above that He gave me you,that He made us fell in love with each other and for letting you knocked into my door.i love you honeybee, you you you jak.hugsandkisses~ :*


can we be like the Penguins lovers above ? sho cute. :)

dimanche 12 août 2012

a day in the sun :)

some of the several photos that i took last Wednesday and looking back at these photos is really making me crave for a dive at Damai.eff i miss those beach days with my friends :(

anyway,since i rarely using my Holga now so i gave Chen this possesion of has a new name ; Chino. :) a cute fine name for a Holga isn't Chino has a new owner to play with. :)
till then,xx.

jeudi 9 août 2012


our first outdoor trip! :) i'm so lazy to write so i'm just going to post up some of our photos.

cute bum alert!

i am definitely not an outdoor person but still,i had fun with them. :) and this rabbit nang nakal,patut kenak gigit jak. :D

lundi 6 août 2012

All you have to do is just look into my eyes and smile. Without saying one single word I know just exactly how much you are in love with me because I have that same look upon my face.Completely in love..

samedi 4 août 2012

bitchy girlfriend

1st day of puking blood from my hoohaa is making me feel like a tiger on tummy is in agony,my lower waist is aching,my back is just.. *speechless* i feel annoyed at pretty much everything in this house.people asks me questions i tend to answer in a sarcastic manner *i know,rude but really,i don't have the mood answering stupid questions* Joyce whatsapped me " We're at Damai now!kau ya susah gilak mok mbak jalan " therefore making me feel like even gloomier.i miss my friends so much. :( stalked Chen's profile,i feel even much bitchier.hormones.oh hormoness~ 

try to make me angry,i swear i will gonna take my dad's gun and bury the bullet deep into your brain.

now i want my Honeybee.rindu sama itu laling. :(

vendredi 3 août 2012

the guy that drives me insane yet making me feel like the only princess in the world :)

from March to August,still young and maybe a bit raw yet i feel like i known him forever.who knows we gonna end up like this,tied together as a couple.i didn't see this coming at all and neither did he.destiny intervened into our lives and turns us into lovebirds.people around us,our friends and my family were shocked,suprised when i said Chen is my boyfriend now.some were happy some were not but eventually,everything went well until days has gone and i am glad that he's there for me,no matter how bad the situation and downs,i can count on him.that's for sure about my little cute guy here. :)

July 31st,he came over to my place,from 11 am to 10 pm,can you imagine how many hours we had spent together.we cooked,we watched movies,we talked,we cuddled,we kissed,we lay in bed just staring at each other,we watched Friendzone * i was really pissed watching that show and he had to calmed my tits down xD * we bought groceries,we took a walk on late evening.on that one day,we did everything together.everything.i am so grateful to God and the universe for letting us met even it was just a day.i would never ever trade those times with anything.each moments and memories created and captured,i make sure i keep it safe in my mind so every time i miss him,i can replay our times repeatedly,like a video have no idea how  much i am in love with this have no idea.

Sept 6th,the date will set us apart.6 am he will gonna fly off to Penang and that means,another long distance relationship for me and him.we both had a similiar experience in this LDR matter.mine didn't worked out and so does his's and what makes it ironic is that,neither one of us that gave up on our previous relationship.neither one of us that asked for it although in my case,i was the one that exhausted of the a human being,i have flaws and insecurities.i would be lying if i say i don't have any doubts and shits.i'm a girl,what do you expect but then again,i keep thinking to myself.why wanna ruin our future even before it starts.why wanna overthink things.why wanna be so freaking emotional when i still can contact him through handphones,chats,facebook!twitter!skype!right?he keep on saying this to me " don't be like that Dear John girl, x cool da juak.cannot wait,x sabar alu lah " hahahah i seriously laughed he said that because i never been that kind of girl.i am an extremely patient person when it comes to is the nature in,we are going to take things slow,just go with the flow and just live in the present happily with each other's company. :) 

seeing him can get along with my dad really well make me fell more in love with him.he got a pat on the back from my dad btw,haha that indicates my dad likes him for sure. :D you think it's easy to get a pat on the back from my dad??nuh uh honey~ uh uh~~

he doesn't buy me expensive goods and material stuff to keep me happy,just by his affection,caring and  loving nature is enough to put a smile on my face every day although there are times i just want to push him off the cliff and then i'm gonna run down and catch him.haha.

i know we still have thousands of miles to go,still have loads of obstacles to endure,bumpy roads and crossroads but i really want to do this with him and only him.i just don't want any guy hear me Chen?i don't want any guy anymore!i say this out and loud and in public! :D 

i am madly in love with you baby. :*