dimanche 1 avril 2012

Postcard from 1952

"where hope grows, miracle blossoms"

after im done with my work,my sister and i,including the little beetle Alie went to a nearby park and had some photo taking moments.i couldn't say more how much i dearly really miss taking pictures regardless of what subjects as long as i could click the shutter button.damn i long for the days spent with Midnight back then.. :(

anyway,my sister was asked by this online shop blogger to capture a photo of her stilletos and directly sent to the blogger's email,which i do not understand how the hell people going to walk in it,i tried once and truthfully,i can't even stand properly let alone walk.lolol i know i know.i am not the heel and dress to the nine type of girl,i am more to the classic and oxford kind of lady.yes,but to be more specific,i love dressing like Jess in New Girl.a cute print tee,high waist skirt and complete it with a cute ballet flats and that's it but oh,with Midnight as well.i never leave home without him whenever i wanna go outing.never ever.

SOOC picture,meaning straight out of camera.no editing at all including cropping.im thinking about updating my Flickr after this,my photo site needs a new photo to display and let world see,judge and comment and i wonder how are my Flickr friends doing now.it seems that i'd abandon my hobby for so long.oh work,you consume my energy and time too too much until i don't even have time for myself. *sigh*

and hey April 1st 2012,i know you will bring me sweetdreams and nightmares in this 30 days of yours and guess what,bring it on. ;)