dimanche 29 avril 2012

Dandelion Burst

Dear Sunday,i actually wanted to write since Saturday last week but i was so uninspired to write,therefore i abandon my blogger empty without a new post.well well here i am now,typing words that flows quickly from my rusty brain and at the same time,thinking about what Cecen is doing now.so so,last Saturday,i took a half day off because i went out with Cecen and my sister.it wasn't exactly a date actually,with my sister around hung out with us but it went really nice.him and i went to MPH,he was browing books at the Fantasy section while i was looking for a new book to buy but can't decide which one and ended up empty handed.a must do in a bookstore for me,sniffing books and he joined me as well.haha!it was really funny seeing him sniffing the pages while i was doing the same thing.we both look like an odd couple! xD then he brought me to the Engineering Section and that was when the part of boredom strikes,KIDDING! :D he started to talked about urmm..column?urmm...maths?....urmm...i don't know what else.he was explaining to me about what is Engineering all about and i was like ooooooo...now i know how Robin felt when Ted started to talked about Architecture. xD but as usual,everything went awesome.holding hands,laughing around,endless talking.aaahh what an evening i must say although we only went out for 3 hours. :')

it was indeed a short amount of time for a couple who were apart by distance to spend time together but i thank Him for the time that He provided to us.as least ada dari sikda langsung bah. :) life has been great so far to me until i wanna reach up to the stars and dancing with them.well,i am totally in love right now.jealous much?don't be..you will find your own significant other in time.all you have to do is wait.ngee~

this morning i  feel extremely gloomy due to certain occurences that made me wanted to dissapear myself from this living space and hide in my own world.i seek comfort from him,i vent to him and pour everything until at one point,i just want to let my tears drop but he kept on giving me endless positive words and i don't know how suddenly,i could feel a bright light just shone into the heart and make it feel light again,no dark patches,just perfectly white and i finally gained my calmness again.this is what i love about him,he is so positive i could never ever compete with that attitude for i am such a passive person,a little bit mellow and very vulnerable.

and until now,i can't quite figure out what is it in you that makes me keep on falling for you, dear.

but i know for sure,it is indeed a great thing.a lovely thing. :)