dimanche 9 février 2014

Tommy Boy Coffee at CityOne Kuching

As usual, Chen and I went out yesterday for a date. We wanted to watch Robocop but, there were so many people queueing up at ticketing parlour hence we cancelled our plan and roamed around CityOne. I notice one thing about the megamall, it provides a hell lot of snack bars. Each level has at least 4 snack bars and that mall has 4 levels overall. There's this snack bar called Taiwan Mi if I'm not mistaken that really intrigues me with their decors, so pretty and quite elegant for a snack bar I must say.

But Taiwan snack bar aside,  we went to Tommy Boy for our coffee break / tea time. It's a small bar with a small sitting place for people to rest and enjoying their coffee but to me, it's perfect. Very cosy and very comfortable. 

I ordered Raspberry smoothie and it tasted okay, a little bit tooo icy for a smoothie in my opinion but I paid RM6.90 for it so okay lah I guess? Lol. Chen had Alaskan Coffee - RM6.90 as well and it's really nice. It's a coffee mixed with chocolate, too dense and thick in consistency and not suitable for elders I reckon, but I'm sure teens and kids would love it.

Chen and I, selca time! :D

Raspberry yumm. :)

This post is about Tommy Boy isn't it but I didn't took photos of the environment / ambience because I was too happy giggling and laughing and joking with me love Chen. Sorry! But I can assure you the ambience is very cool, not too loud, a perfect place for catching up with friends, but do I want to go back there again? UHM WELL, I STILL PREFER STARBUCKS OR BING. :D  

jeudi 6 février 2014

✎ Whaddup January Part II.

As my writer's mood is not kicking in yet, so I'm just going to upload my photos, mostly taken on January. :D 

We went to St. Joseph's Cathedral for sunset mass last Saturday, it's been awhile since I set foot on that church. The last time, perhaps when I was in St. Joseph's school, about 7 YEARS AGO! D: 

Joyce, Shela, Cecen and I :: Ruai Bar

Drinking sesh with Joyce and Chen. Was I drunk? Mmhmm terribly, I must say! Oh, bumped into Shela at the same place that night, and I suppose you can guess what had happend to her after that. Poor Shela. :D

✎ Whaddup January Part 1.

Green Tea Frappucino lovers :: Starbucks Plaza Merdeka

Chinese New Year visiting! We went to Bibi's place and I finally got to hug and play with baby Ezra! Oh the joy seeing his face smiling brightly upon me. Priceless. :)

Bibi and I

Darren, Bibi, Cecen and I. Not to forget, baby Ezra Garin as well. :D

baby Ezra Garin in action! Whee! :D

Don't we all love front face cameras? Haha. SELFIE whores. 

Bibi and I, with her cute baby son. :) #Love