mardi 19 juin 2012

a rainbow after hurricane

some said,you shouldn't remember your past for it gave you so much scars more than bliss memories but have you ever think back,without those scars,are you going to be the person you are today?are you as strong   as you are now?wiser?mature?no,right?so sometimes in certain situations you should be grateful for those arseholes,jerks,bitches that made your life once,a living hell because if it weren't because of them,you will never be bullet proof.remembering those scars back,those mistakes that you'd made before will make you think wiser in making decisions,choosing people carefully which you should keep in your life and which one you need to toss away.most importantly,you have come a long way from all those dog days and you survive because you're a survivor.because you're strong.

 for some reason,i really miss my past so bad,i miss the life i had before.i wish i could relive it back just to see people that i know now as merely strangers,nothing more than that.

|| Dec 2010, Ripcurl, with my childhood friend Molly,miss you xoxo ||