vendredi 22 novembre 2013

✎ The Heirs.

I reckon every Korean drama lovers in this world already know the drama that I am about to write, The Heirs, people! and me, myself and I included as well. Haha. So, this post isn't about review or anything, something for fun only, I took a long hiatus from K dramas since You Are The Best, Lee Soon Shin. I totally love Kim Tan in this drama, he's so charming! I mean, he's Lee Min Ho, people. Oh my word, he's perfect! :D 

and as for female cast, I really like Rachel Yoo played by Kim Ji Won. Mainly because i adore her sense of style, very pretty and she's a bitch. Haha. 

She's cute, isn't she? Love her hair, her face, her make up, her clothes, basically I love everything about Rachel Yoo! Ah how I wish I have her closet!~

✎ Lunch at Colugos Bistro & Grill

I went out with Shela last Monday, it's been awhile because everyone is so damn busy with studies and work, it was a coincidence too that Shela had class at night, so perfect timing! 

To kill the time till lunch hour, we went to MBO Cineplex, and what movie did we watched? Oh Thor for sure, Loki for the win! because of his witty and sarcastic to the core attitude, and he's quite charming too if he isn't in that weird over the top with green cape costume lol. 

|| Bestfriends for 5 years, and counting! || Shela and I || MBO tHe Spring ||

Shela  : baloi juak nanga Thor oh. Sik rugi
Me : dah 4 kali dah kau padah La! -_-'
Shela : Hahahahaha!! Sik sedar!


As usual, we had a hard time deciding on where to eat #girlproblems and Shela randomly said  " Mok try kat Colugos sik? " and I never been there before so why not isn't it. When Chen comes back to Kuching this Christmas, I could bring him there for our dinner date etc since I already knew and familiar with the dining place. So let me tell you this, personally I think Colugos is a fancy restaurant with very pretty and elegant decors but to my surprise, the food prices are cheap! RM 25 per person including drinks with no tax whatsoever. It's a Western / Indonesian cuisine restaurant so, asian cuisines are definitely cheaper, prices are from RM8 while western cuisines are from RM 13.90. 

|| Shela took this! Flipping through the menu ||

||  Nasi Ayam Bakar with sambal || 

|| Buttermilk Chicken Rice with honey lemon tea. YUMS!||

I bet the waiter that serves us must be an inch close to losing his patience because we definitely took our time flipping through the menu for almost 20 minutes I reckon? LOL. We were both in a dilemma, either wanna go for western or asian foods and finally we decided to go with rice! :D

My dish was delicious, the gravy was not watery and not too creamy either, just nice and I totally recommend the dish to people. Next time I'll be trying out their western cuisine; Fish and Chip because based on reviews I've read, most people love their Fish and Chip. Gotta try that soon! Overall, it's a great place to chill with good foods, and it's located in the heart of Kuching town; Tun Jugah Mall.