samedi 28 septembre 2013

✎ Maybelline Red Porcelain Lipstick Review

It's been AGES since I last wrote lippie reviews so here I am now, finally have the time to log into my Blog account and write, like I used to. Sepetember is definitely a month of Red for me, I bought a new pair of shoes in red and a bikini top from Cotton On, a new red dress from an online boutique. Ah red~ Now I'm talking about Maybelline's Porcelain Red lipstick, although it's sold in the market for quite a long time now but I still wanna make a review of it, better late than never, aight?

The Casing; Nothing to shout about actually but uhm, i do like the red transparent cover tho. Made of plastic and again, basic lipstick casing. 

The code number. If you girls are keen to purchase, look for the code and the name correctly because there's another red shade from Color Sensational : Red Revival, which is a pretty red shade too but Red Porcelain captivated my heart, first.

Imagine 1920's -1930's pin up girl, if you want to have their lips, this is the lipstick you should go for. Perfect!

Hand swatch, first swipe. But I usually glide around two or three times because I want my lips to look exactly like the pin up girls, and Taylor Swift lips too. :D

Hello! Here's the result, you like? Well, I likey for sure, LOVE actually. It's time for me to get out from my comfort zone ( I always prefer soft pink / pastel / soft colours over bold colours if in make ups ) and I can't deny the fact that I was influenced by Taylor's style too, she rocked the vintage style flawlessly and I definitely look up to her in fashion sense. Demure with a little hint of sexiness at the same time, what's not to love? 

I purchased this lipstick for RM23.90 as it was on sale at that time, normal price is RM29.90 but i think it is depending with the beauty stores on pricing it. I got mine at Watsons, every beauty departments across the nation definitely lining this up on Maybelline's beauty rack so go get one! I heard this lipstick is limited edition so another factor to own it.

If you are a red lippie virgin, i suggest you should watch tutorial first and learn how to use it step by step. Don't simply glide it straight on your lips because you will create a mess and desire result will never be achieve. Remember to scrub your lips first and moisturise because girl, a cracked red lips are never attractive. 


samedi 21 septembre 2013

✎ Epic Din Din at The Junk

So, the last post I wrote in this blog of mine was on the 31st of August. Whoa, that long eh. Well, Chen went  back to Penang on the 13th of September hence the zero updates. So, we went to The Junk after our movie date, at first I wanted to go to Bella Italia because it's nearer to CityOne but Chen insisted that we should head to Junk instead so Junk we went! 

We watched The Purge that night, awesome movie with loads of gore scenes. NICE mmhmm.

Our super delicious foods! Staggio something Pizza for the girlfriend and Organic Chicken Herb for the boyfriend. The chicken was delicious! No kidding!

Watermelon juice for him  and hot Green Tea for me, as usual. I have an obsession with Green Tea, I wish i could plant my own green tea tree at the backyard! 

Truly aromatic and very soothing.

Chen and his epic chicken dish, he finished it all up ALONE! Way to go Boyfriend! *pat on the shoulder*

While waiting for our foods, hehe. 

Selfie! Ehem giiirlls~

We took some photos together before we left but these two were the only looked okay because the others were too dark and therefore, I shall not upload, but i had fun with my boyfie of course. :)

Thank you baby for the awesome night! Although certain people would say " Oh, that's like another normal date " but to me every date with him is special. We seldom meet up because we are currently in a long distance relationship, so it does feel different when we go out on a date. If you're in my place, then you'll know what I mean about feeling different. 

Before I forgot, here i upload the total bill of the night, spent at the restaurant alone. Haha.

But I tell you what, the foods they served worth every cents, consider sharing tho! :D