jeudi 27 juin 2013

✎ Counting the Days, & Pi

Bonjour, June! It has been a while since I last updated  my blog, i blame the laziness in me. Feeling super hungry right now I'm consuming a bowl of potato salad ( bited sized potato + penne + brocolli + thousand island dressing ) which i made last night, for breakfast and blogging at the same time. A multitasker and a healthy start, no?

Life.. So far has been super good and super bad, i'd rather not to tell in detail but I'm gonna say, i wish i could disappear from this face of Earth and live alone. *Sigh* That bad you ask? MMHHMM THAT BAD.   Thank You to my boyfriend though, for always being there for me no matter what, no matter how far we are apart yet he is always trying his best to be there for me, support me emotionally and cheering me up although i acted like a feisty dragon. *Sigh*oh bless him dear Lord, SO grateful to have him as my other half. 

" Be Happy & Smile " 

Oh, i changed my phone already; to Blackberry Curve upgraded to Bold 4 ( 9900 ) Thanks to my sister, forever grateful. :) I better start developing the happiness in me and SMILE, I'm hard on myself, I overthink 26 hours and 9 days, i overreact most of the times and i am not  scared to admit that i DO cry SOMETIMES over stressful things to make me feel good. LIFE IS HARD MAN, LIFE AIN'T A BREEZE AT ALL.

I'm not perfect, but i am TRYING to be BETTER.

I spent my days reading at most times, I just done reading The Time Keeper by one of my favourite author Mitch Albom. A fantastic and amazing book i must say, I'm not gonna tell the sypnosis in here because I don't want to spoil the story. Just pick up the book from the bookshelf, pay the money and immerse yourself in it. You ain't gonna regret it because every page worth every penny. I mean, it's Mitch Albom I'm talking here, I've read every book that he wrote and it always left a smile on my face or tears each time I reached the last page . 

“Dor: there is a reason God limits our days.
Victor: why?
Dor: to make each one precious.” 

Done with The Time Keeper, now I'm moving on to Life Of Pi, I'm on page 92 now and I'm telling you, I am hooked with the writing. Beautifully written, I can't wait to finish it up and watch the movie. I refrain myself from watching the movie although I am tempted to, Cheney keep on telling me how BEST that movie was  but I'm being patient here. I'm that kind of person where i do not want to watch " based on the novel " movie before i read the book first. Probably because i want to create my own movie with the book, playing the scenes on my mind before i see other's version of scenes, and compare. HAHA. 

My addicton for now; Life of Pi

Missing this bunny so much, i could cry. *SIGH* Cheney's coming back on the 16th, hopefully we can meet up as soon as he touchdown the Kuching land. *fingerscrossed* 

I love you to the moon and back, Cheney. <3